medea, helen, jason, philoctetes, neoptolemus, apollonius, euripides, menelaus, argonauts, valerius, odysseus, argonautica, play, children, troy, argo, story, theseus, neoptolemos, aegeus, andromache, scene, epic, walcott, episode, herself, hermione, ariadne, fleece, pelias, hypsipyle, theonoe, philoktetes, heroic, omeros, hero, heracles, chorus, amycus, lemnos, menelaos, rocks, polyphemus, aeetes, medeia, creon, nurse, apsyrtus, poet, theoclymenus
On Some Passages of Valerius Flaccus. Robinson Ellis. Classical Review. (Apr., 1900), pp. 155-158
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Symmetry in Early Christian Relief Sculpture. C. L. Meader. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1900), pp. 126-147
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Upon Aeschylus. I. W. Headlam. Classical Review. (Mar., 1900), pp. 106-119
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The Fountain of Glauce at Corinth. Rufus B. Richardson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1900), pp. 458-475
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On Virgil, Aeneid, XII. 813-818. A. Souter. Classical Review. (Apr., 1900), pp. 154-155
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Prohibitives in Silver Latin. Willard K. Clement. American Journal of Philology. (1900), pp. 154-169
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Tennyson and Homer. Wilfred P. Mustard. American Journal of Philology. (1900), pp. 143-153
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