aristotle, true, proposition, definition, propositions, universal, false, syllogism, something, logical, logic, hypothesis, thing, truth, syllogisms, things, premiss, premisses, sense, definitions, term, principle, genus, hypothetical, every, demonstration, knowledge, species, passage, sentence, analysis, follows, kind, animal, predication, premise, claim, sentences, distinction, predicated, conditional, topics, predicate, premises, principles, necessity, reasoning, inference, categories, nominal
Rhetoric, Dialectic and Syllogistic Argument: Aristotle's Position in "Rhetoric" I-II. Sally Raphael. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 153-167
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Aristotle's Use of Categories. An Easing of the Oddness in "Metaphysica" Δ 7. J. W. Thorp. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 238-256
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Aristotle on Rational Action. Alexander Broadie. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 70-80
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Forms and First Principles. Julia Annas. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 257-283
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Individuals in Aristotle's "Categories": Two Queries. Julia Annas. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 146-152
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Plato on Unity and Sameness. Malcolm Schofield. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1974), pp. 33-45
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A Note on "Pauline Predications" in Plato. Gregory Vlastos. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 95-101
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An Aspect of the Style of Valerius Flaccus' "Argonauticon". Judith Bailey Perkins. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1974), pp. 290-313
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Socrates and Obedience. Gary Young. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 1-29
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A Formula for Happiness: Horace "Epist." 1.6 to Numicius. Herbert Musurillo. The Classical World. (Feb., 1974), pp. 193-204
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῎Εχειν, Μετέχειν, and Idioms of 'Paradeigmatism' in Plato's Theory of Forms. Norio Fujisawa. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 30-58
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Logique et Dialectique chez Plotin: Enneade 1.3(20). Georges Leroux. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1974), pp. 180-192
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Speusippus' Ontological Classification. H. A. S. Tarrant. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 130-145
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Plato on Painting. Eva Keuls. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1974), pp. 100-127
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A Note on Aristotle's Absolute Ruler. R. G. Mulgan. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 66-69
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Simonides, P. M. G. 351. Hugh Lloyd-Jones. Classical Review. (Mar., 1974), pp. 1
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Aristotle's History of Poetry. Carnes Lord. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 195-229
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Aeschylus, Agamemnon 126-30. Alan Woolley. Classical Review. (Mar., 1974), pp. 1-2
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Myth and Fantasy in Propertius 1.3. Daniel P. Harmon. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 151-165
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An Aspect of Latin Comparison Construction. Judith Perkins. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 261-277
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The Count of Days at Athens. Benjamin D. Meritt. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1974), pp. 268-279
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The War between Heraclea Pontica and Leucon I of Bosporus. Stanley M. Burstein. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1974), pp. 401-416
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A Note on the Translation and Interpretation of Plato Parmenides 132A1-4. Spiro Panagiotou. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1974), pp. 50-54
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Theophrastus on Greek Judicial Procedure. John J. Keaney. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 179-194
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The Temple of Poseidon: A Missing Sima and Other Matters. William B. Dinsmoor, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1974), pp. 211-238
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