forum, temple, building, villa, city, ostia, buildings, palatine, basilica, porta, domus, plan, built, marble, porticus, tufa, trajan, lanciani, house, augustus, arches, curia, augustan, circus, opus, imperial, campus, construction, pavement, pomerium, temples, travertine, inscription, coarelli, structure, sacra, tiber, domitian, atrium, templum, comitium, street, rostra, pompeii, monument, boni, lugli, ashby, insula, hadrian
Archaeological News. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1947), pp. 269-300
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The Destruction of Ancient Rome. Eva Matthews Sanford. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 3, 1947), pp. 122-127
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The Roman Brick-Stamps not Published in Volume XV 1 of the "Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum". Herbert Bloch. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1947), pp. 1-128
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War-Time Productivity in Italy. A. W. van Buren. American Journal of Philology. (1947), pp. 1-20
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The Destruction of Ancient Rome (Continued). Eva Matthews Sanford. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 10, 1947), pp. 130-133
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Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius of Pompeii. A. W. van Buren. American Journal of Philology. (1947), pp. 382-393
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Linking the Old and the New in Italy. Walton Brooks McDaniel. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 6, 1947), pp. 3-9
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Procopiana. Claude Jenkins. Journal of Roman Studies. (1947), pp. 74-81
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Linking the Old and the New in Italy. Walton Brooks McDaniel. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 27, 1947), pp. 90-96
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Description of Supplementary Illustrations. Plates LIII-LVI. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1947), pp. 47-48
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Description of Supplementary Illustrations. Plates LVII-LX. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1947), pp. 95-96
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Addenda on Varro, de Lingua Latina. Roland Grubb Kent. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 123-130
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Roma and Constantinopolis in Late-Antique Art from 312 to 365. J. M. C. Toynbee. Journal of Roman Studies. (1947), pp. 135-144
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The Roman Emperors as Heirs and Legatees. Robert Samuel Rogers. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 140-158
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The Survival of the Roman Empire. Eva Matthews Sanford. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 17, 1947), pp. 52-56
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The Negro in Classical Italy. Frank M. Snowden, Jr.. American Journal of Philology. (1947), pp. 266-292
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Aeneas-Augustus of Prima Porta. Louise Adams Holland. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 276-284
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Archaeological Digest. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1947), pp. 435-461
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Notes on the Thracian Phoros. Charles Edson. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1947), pp. 88-105
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Investigations at Corinth, 1946-1947. Oscar Broneer. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1947), pp. 233-247
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Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting, New Haven, Conn., Dec. 29-31, 1947. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 425-462
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The Names of Constantinople. Demetrius John Georgacas. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 347-367
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The Composition of Procopius, De Aedificiis. G. Downey. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 171-183
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Horace's First Roman Ode. Friedrich Solmsen. American Journal of Philology. (1947), pp. 337-352
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Purity and Holiness in the Hippocratic Oath. Edwin L. Minar, Jr.. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 14, 1947), pp. 151-152
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Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens. John S. Creaghan, A. E. Raubitschek. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1947), pp. 1-52
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Tax Collecting in Byzantine Egypt. A. E. R. Boak. Journal of Roman Studies. (1947), pp. 24-33
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Reminiscences. Karl P. Harrington. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 24, 1947), pp. 114-118
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Rutilius Claudius Namatianus. Gilbert Norwood. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1947), pp. 36-41
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"New Fragments" of Latin Authors in Perotti's Cornucopiae. Revilo P. Oliver. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 376-424
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