ionic, inscription, attic, dialect, doric, aeolic, forms, dialects, rhodes, rhodian, arcadian, boeotian, cyprian, buck, thessalian, sgdi, syll, lesbian, dittenberger, arcado-cyprian, greek_dialects, schwyzer, cretan, alphabet, milet, rhodos, boeot, hiller, bechtel, elean, influence, theog, thess, thasos, clara, miletus, roberts, risch, archil, thera, lindos, amorg, aiolic, ionic_dialect, ditt, smyth, coleman, chios, roesch, boeotia
'Ut eosdem quos populus Romanus amicos atque hostes habeant': Die Freund-Feind-Klausel in den Beziehungen Roms zu griechischen und italischen Staaten. Loretana de Libero. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1997), pp. 270-305
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Cretan Laws and Cretan Literacy. James Whitley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1997), pp. 635-661
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The Phokikon and the Hero Archegetes. Jeremy McInerney. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1997), pp. 193-207
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Schiedsgericht und Vermittlung in den Beziehungen zwischen den hellenistischen Staaten und Rom. Vladimir Kaščeev. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1997), pp. 419-433
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How the Dithyramb Got Its Shape. Armand D'Angour. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 331-351
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A Figura Etymologica in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes. Steve Reece. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1997), pp. 29-39
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When Is a Harp a Panpipe? The Meanings of πηκτίς. M. L. West. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 48-55
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Interpolating an Isthmus: Juvenal 6.294-7. Michael Hendry. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 323-327
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The Senate, the Courts, and the SC de Cn. Pisone patre. J. S. Richardson. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 510-518
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Riding the Phallus for Dionysus: Iconology, Ritual, and Gender-Role De/Construction. Eric Csapo. Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 1997), pp. 253-295
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The Origins of the Athenian Ionic Capital. Elizabeth P. McGowan. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1997), pp. 209-233
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The 98th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1997), pp. 331-393
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Penelope "Polutropos:" The Crux at Odyssey 23.218-24. Hardy C. Fredricksmeyer. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1997), pp. 487-497
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Mourning and Community at the Athenian Adonia. Ronda R. Simms. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1997 - Jan., 1998), pp. 121-141
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Deceleans and Demotionidae Again. P. J. Rhodes. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 109-120
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Homeric ΔΙΙΠΕΤΕΟΣ ΠΟΤΑΜΟΙΟ and the Celestial Nile. R. Drew Griffith. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1997), pp. 353-362
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Review of Aegean Prehistory VI: The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland. Cynthia W. Shelmerdine. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1997), pp. 537-585
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