patterns, lines, vergil, repeats, dsss, every, homodyne, pattern, percentage, aeneid, hexameter, percentages, dactyls, sabb, dsds, cento, spondees, ddss, fourth-foot, poets, eclogues, frequent, duckworth, verses, metrical, sdss, proba, ddsd, dssd, horace, georgics, geta, fourth, ddds, heterodyne, reverse, catullus, texture, opposite, lucretius, repeat, ssss, clusters, frequency, cicero, epistles, spondaic, kakosis, opposites, range
Note on Acharnians 947. Campbell Bonner. American Journal of Philology. (1900), pp. 433-437
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Archaeological Discussions. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1900), pp. 339-385
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The Form of Nominal Compounds in Latin. George D. Chase. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1900), pp. 61-72
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