love, himself, fear, anger, passion, moral, violence, suicide, punishment, desire, woman, herself, contrast, suffering, makes, victim, gods, evil, power, pity, shame, fate, situation, grief, cause, violent, behavior, becomes, theme, madness, sense, loss, revenge, force, tragic, feelings, emotions, physical, action, actions, destruction, emotion, crime, vengeance, acts, become, finally, emotional, face, hero
The Medea of Seneca. Harold Loomis Cleasby. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1907), pp. 39-71
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Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at Chicago, Illinois, December, 1907 Also of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, California December, 1907. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. i-lxxxii
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The Dido Episode as a Tragedy. Norman W. DeWitt. Classical Journal. (May, 1907), pp. 283-288
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Quintilian, Plutarch, and the Early Humanists. W. H. S. Jones. Classical Review. (Mar., 1907), pp. 33-43
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Notes on Stoning among the Greeks and Romans. Arthur Stanley Pease. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. 5-18
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Travel in Ancient Times as Seen in Plautus and Terence. II. Charles Knapp. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1907), pp. 281-304
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Greek and Latin Word Studies. Edwin W. Fay, Ed. C. Q.. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1907), pp. 13-30
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Lucretius 5, 1006. William A. Merrill. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 66-76
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Horace, an Appreciation. Moses Stephen Slaughter. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1907), pp. 45-57
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The Elements of the Translation of Latin. Ella Catherine Greene. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 5, 1907), pp. 2-5
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Lvciliana [Luciliana]. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1907), pp. 53-74
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Archaeological Discussions. James M. Paton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1907), pp. 197-251
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The Chronology of Ovid's Early Works. E. K. Rand. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 287-296
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The Saturnian Metre. E. V. Arnold. Classical Review. (Jun., 1907), pp. 100-104
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The Date of Cicero's Cato Maior de Senectute. Katharine Allen. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 297-300
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On Certain Roman Characteristics. Elmer Truesdell Merrill. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1907), pp. 369-386
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Livy and Polybius: Their Style and Methods of Historical Composition (Concluded). Herman Louis Ebeling. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 2, 1907), pp. 34-37
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Horace Carm. IV. II. Walter Leaf. Classical Review. (Jun., 1907), pp. 104-105
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Notes on Ovid's Heroides I.-XIV. H. Darnley Naylor. Classical Review. (Mar., 1907), pp. 43-44
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The Heraclidae of Euripides. Has Our Text of This Play been Mutilated or Revised?. Grace Harriet Macurdy. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1907), pp. 299-303
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The Teaching of Latin Word-Order: Part II. Vergil. Cornelia R. Trowbridge. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1907), pp. 212-218
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The Dative with Certain Intransitive Verbs. H. C. Nutting. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1907), pp. 250-255
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Interstate Arbitration in Antiquity. W. L. Westermann. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1907), pp. 197-211
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Further Notes on Lucan VIII. J. P. Postgate. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 216-222
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Apollo at the Areopagus. A. W. Verrall. Classical Review. (Feb., 1907), pp. 6-11
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Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus 40-45. F. T. Rickards. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1907), pp. 94-98
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Verses by Statius (Silvae ii. 7) to Commemorate Lucan's Birthday, Addressed to His Widow, Polla. C. Gore Chambers. Classical Review. (May, 1907), pp. 92-94
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Choriambic Dimeter and the Rehabilitation of the Antispast. Paul Shorey. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. 57-88
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Caesar Bellum Gallicum vi. 30. 4. Charles Knapp. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1907), pp. 465-466
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The Stele Inscription in the Roman Forum. Minton Warren. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 373-400
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On Some Passages in Lucan VIII. J. P. Postgate. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1907), pp. 75-79
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Boyhood and Youth in the Days of Aristophanes. Arthur Alexis Bryant. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1907), pp. 73-122
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Lvciliana (Continued) [Luciliana (Continued)]. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 148-159
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A Passage in British History. E. Harrison. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1907), pp. 305-307
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On Some Passages in Propertius. B. O. Foster. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1907), pp. 210-218
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On Four Passages of Pindar. H. W. Garrod. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 144-147
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On the Classification of Roman Allies. Louise E. Matthaei. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 182-204
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Archaeological News. James M. Paton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1907), pp. 339-386
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Character and Language of the Athenians. R. E. Macnaghten. Classical Review. (Feb., 1907), pp. 12-14
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Antoniazzo Romano. Herbert E. Everett. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1907), pp. 279-306
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Distraction in Secondary Work in Latin. Jennie R. Lippman. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1907), pp. 11-18
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The "More Ancient Dionysia" at Athens-Thucydides II. 15. Edward Capps. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1907), pp. 25-42
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Livy and Polybius: Their Style and Methods of Historical Composition. H. L. Ebeling. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 26, 1907), pp. 26-28
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[Editorial: Menander's Plays]. Gonzalez Lodge. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 19, 1907), pp. 17-18
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The Madrid MS of Manilivs and Its Kindred [The Madrid MS of Manilius and Its Kindred]. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1907), pp. 290-298
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Mr. Lang's Homer and His Age. Ronald M. Burrows. Classical Review. (Aug., 1907), pp. 139-140
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The Prosody of Ille. A Study of the Anomalies of Roman Quantity: Second Paper. Robert S. Radford. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 11-33
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The Semantics of Model Constructions. Tenney Frank. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1907), pp. 163-186
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The Lucretian Invocation of Venus. George Depue Hadzsits. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1907), pp. 187-192
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Cicero as a Wit. Francis W. Kelsey. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1907), pp. 3-10
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Etymologies. Edwin W. Fay. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1907), pp. 279-283
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Archaeological News. James M. Paton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1907), pp. 71-141
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A Few Notes on the Satires of Persius with Special Reference to the Purport and Position of the Prologue. Persius, Alfred Pretor. Classical Review. (May, 1907), pp. 72-75
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The Use of Language as a Means of Characterization in Petronius. Frank Frost Abbott. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1907), pp. 43-50
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Further Notes on the Greek Comic Fragments (Continued). Herbert Richards. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 160-181
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[Editorial: Poetic Diction in Latin Verse]. Gonzalez Lodge. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 16, 1907), pp. 41-42
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[Editorial: The Elements of the Translation of Latin]. Gonzalez Lodge. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 12, 1907), pp. 9-10
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Word-Accent in Greek and Latin Verse. Paul Shorey. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1907), pp. 219-224
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