cave, river, water, lake, nymphs, villa, cumae, baiae, rivers, shadows, sibyl, spring, waters, grotto, naples, tiber, bauli, ausonius, avernus, misenum, springs, nymph, stream, lucrine, sperlonga, caves, giles, clitumnus, prisoners, simile, streams, originals, puppets, villas, swimming, capri, misenus, egeria, cumaean, allegory, grove, nemi, numicus, oceanus, macaronic, tibur, moselle, reflections, water-deities, topography
Geography and the Literary Tradition in Theocritus 7. N. Krevans. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1983), pp. 201-220
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The Riddle of the Arrhephoria at Athens. Noel Robertson. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1983), pp. 241-288
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Greek Ritual Begging in Aid of Women's Fertility and Childbirth. Noel Robertson. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1983), pp. 143-169
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"Hȇrȏs Theos": The Death and Apotheosis of Herakles. H. A. Shapiro. The Classical World. (Sep. - Oct., 1983), pp. 7-18
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Amphibian Ambiguities: Aristophanes and His Frogs. Richard H. Allison. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1983), pp. 8-20
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The Eighty-Fourth General Meeting of the Archaelogical Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1983), pp. 222-271
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Catullus, Poem 4: A Neglected Interpretation Revived. John G. Griffith. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1983), pp. 123-128
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Further Inquiries on the Location of the Erechtheion and Its Relationship to the Temple of the Polias 1. Προστομιαι̂ον and Προστόμιον. Kristian Jeppesen. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1983), pp. 325-333
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Scholarship on Seneca's Prose: 1968-1978. Anna Lydia Motto, John R. Clark. The Classical World. (Nov. - Dec., 1983), pp. 69-74+77-104+107-116+119-123
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Cicero and 'Crurifragium'. S. J. Harrison. Classical Quarterly. (1983), pp. 453-455
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Freestanding Sculptures from the Baths of Caracalla. Miranda Marvin. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1983), pp. 347-384
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LSJ and the Problem of Poetic Archaism: From Meanings to Iconyms. M. S. Silk. Classical Quarterly. (1983), pp. 303-330
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Character and Legend in Idyll 8. Kathryn Gutzwiller. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1983), pp. 171-182
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Procopius and Dara. Brian Croke, James Crow. Journal of Roman Studies. (1983), pp. 143-159
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Three Cistern Systems on the Kolonos Agoraios. Susan I. Rotroff. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1983), pp. 257-297
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