seneca, senecan, stoic, philosopher, dial, apocolocyntosis, gercke, lucilius, epistulae, prose, clementia, juvenal, senecas, praef, hense, vitae, letters, contr, claudius, letter, hine, dialogues, seneque, morales, beneficiis, epistle, axelson, exile, senecae, traveling, vita, consolatio, fabianus, motto, st_martin, gertz, patientia, hostius, benef, tragedies, martin, sapiens, spatium, natural, retiarius, quaestiones, nero, naturales, pref, brev
Critical Notes: Seneca's Dialogi VII-XII. W. H. Alexander. American Journal of Philology. (1935), pp. 216-224
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Seneca's Appearance. H. W. Kamp. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 9, 1935), pp. 49-51
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Seneca, De Vita Beata 19.3. W. H. Alexander. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 28, 1935), pp. 111-112
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A Note on Seneca Apocolocyntosis VII. 1. William Hardy Alexander. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1935), pp. 350-352
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Some Thoughts on Pessimism in Classical Literature. John D. Marcantonio. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 15, 1935), pp. 180-182
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On the Use of Ice and Snow for Cooling Drinks. Russel M. Geer. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 16, 1935), pp. 61-62
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Fragmenta Poetarum. A. E. Housman. Classical Review. (Nov., 1935), pp. 166-168
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Cases Ancient and Modern. C. C. Tarelli. Classical Review. (Nov., 1935), pp. 168-170
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Roman Descriptions of Personal Appearance in History and Biography. Elizabeth Cornelia Evans. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1935), pp. 43-84
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Stoicism and Christianity. Ralph Stob. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1935), pp. 217-224
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Notes on Lewis and Short (Continued). R. L. Dunbabin. Classical Review. (Feb., 1935), pp. 9-12
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The Influence of the Metaphor upon Semasiology. William Bradford Gardner. The Classical Weekly. (May 13, 1935), pp. 201-205
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Some American Estimates of Horace. John Paul Pritchard. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 21, 1935), pp. 97-101
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