brun, bent, mein, herm, reis, bgk2, fich, herw, tryphon, dobr, wila, elms, dind2, r2iunt, burg, apprentice, iunt, salmo, voss, lent, pors, kust, salmon, trout, beer, coul, seal, valck, bach, koen, pre-post, berg, schn, vypov, christy, judaeo-roman, dind3, no-msl, trutta, weaver, gains, scal, fario, inermis, inscc, jdroysen2, coniecturarum, delet, kaovovc, pegeen
Homeric Scholarship and Bible Exegesis in Ancient Alexandria: Evidence from Philo's 'Quarrelsome' Colleahues. Maren R. Niehoff. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2007), pp. 166-182
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Greek Ethnicity in Eusebius' "Praeparatio Evangelica". Aaron P. Johnson. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 2007), pp. 95-118
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Lasus of Hermione, Pindar and the Riddle of S. James I. Porter. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2007), pp. 1-21
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Thucydides 2.13.6-7: Oldest, Youngest, Hoplites, Metics. Richard Winton. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2007), pp. 298-301
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