lucian, satura, alciphron, dialogue, peregrinus, livy, dial, dialogues, aelian, saturam, cynic, menippus, saturae, courtesans, courtesan, reich, timon, korinna, hendrickson, longus, nigrinus, parasite, andronicus, cynics, iconistic, solecist, sophist, iocularia, mort, anacharsis, schmid, erasmus, krobyle, cynicus, exodia, tychiades, fielding, gall, lexiphanes, subjectivity, comedy, dipsas, drama, euanthius, philopseudes, spence, lyra, sophistic, toxaris, dramatic
Satura Tota Nostra Est. G. L. Hendrickson. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1927), pp. 46-60
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The Terminology of "Gratitude" in Greek. Joseph William Hewitt. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1927), pp. 142-161
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Greek Fish-Names. F. A. Wood. American Journal of Philology. (1927), pp. 297-325
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Some Remarks on a Passage in Parthenius. A. M. Harmon. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1927), pp. 414-415
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Correspondence. Grace H. Macurdy, C. R. L. Fletcher. Classical Review. (Sep., 1927), pp. 157-158
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A Litterateur in the Age of the Antonines. Raymond T. Ohl. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 24, 1927), pp. 99-105
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