ovid, vergil, virgil, poem, poet, poetry, poets, aeneid, poems, epic, metamorphoses, horace, latin, georgics, catullus, fasti, lucan, works, poetic, culex, heroides, lines, ciris, verse, ovidian, lucretius, literary, verses, tristia, amores, augustan, tibullus, statius, vergilian, catalepton, exile, silius, virgilian, passages, written, books, influence, eclogues, augustus, propertius, martial, appendix, kenney, authorship, prose
Supplementary Paper: Animae Dimidium Meae: Two Poets of Rome. George E. Duckworth. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 281-316
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Maecenas and the Poets. A. Dalzell. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1956), pp. 151-162
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"O Fortunatam Natam...". Walter Allen, Jr.. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 130-146
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Pliny the Elder and Virgil. Richard T. Bruère. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1956), pp. 228-246
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A Curiosity in Seneca. J. D. P. Bolton. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1956), pp. 238-242
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The Imagery of Ascent-Descent in Vergil's Georgics. Smith Palmer Bovie. American Journal of Philology. (1956), pp. 337-358
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A Source of Vergilian Hypallage. E. Adelaide Hahn. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 147-189
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Maittaire and the Classics in Eighteenth-Century Britain. F. J. Lelièvre. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1956), pp. 103-115
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Penatibus et Magnis Dis. Robert B. Lloyd. American Journal of Philology. (1956), pp. 38-46
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Virgil and the Bees: A Study in Ancient Apicultural Lore. B. G. Whitfield. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1956), pp. 99-117
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Palatine Apollo. J. H. Bishop. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1956), pp. 187-192
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Changing Objectives and Procedures in Teaching Latin, 1556-1956. George E. Ganss. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1956), pp. 15-22
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Kipling and the Nature of the Classical. Paul MacKendrick. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1956), pp. 67-76
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Caesar, Propaganda, and the Poets. Herbert W. Benario. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 19, 1956), pp. 22-24
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The Hero Is a Bee. Anne Kingsbury. Classical Journal. (May, 1956), pp. 396-401
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La prise de Rome par les Celtes et la formation de l'annalistique Romaine. J. Wolski. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1956), pp. 24-52
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Caesar, the Man of Letters. William T. Avery. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 19, 1956), pp. 26-28
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Juvenal's Twelfth Satire. W. C. Helmbold. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1956), pp. 14-23
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A Poem of Sánchez Barbero: Si, Cur: Erotemata ad Amicum. Alejandro Ramírez-Araujo. Classical Journal. (May, 1956), pp. 371-373
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Otior. D. M. Jones. Classical Review. (Dec., 1956), pp. 198-199
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Quid do ut (ne): A Bargaining Construction in Juvenal and the Senecas. C. J. Morse. Classical Review. (Dec., 1956), pp. 196-198
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Virgil's Plough. Robert Aitken, Virgil. Journal of Roman Studies. (1956), pp. 97-106
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The Attic Stelai: Part II. W. Kendrick Pritchett, Anne Pippin. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1956), pp. 178-328
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John Dickinson, the Classical Penman of the Revolution. Richard M. Gummere. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1956), pp. 81-88
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Recent Work in Roman Satire (1937-55). William S. Anderson. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 26, 1956), pp. 33-40
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Alcmena and Amphitryon in Ancient and Modern Drama. L. R. Shero. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 192-238
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