numbers, mathematical, mathematics, ratio, equal, euclid, geometry, square, geometrical, circle, ratios, pythagorean, triangle, division, line, plato, pythagoreans, proportion, archimedes, heath, arithmetic, archytas, theon, method, proclus, nicomachus, abacus, ptolemy, units, triangles, symmetry, squares, divided, numerical, unit, lines, rectangle, construction, heiberg, diagram, fractions, philolaus, sides, pappus, angles, mathematicians, proportions, philo, lang, analysis
Plato as "Architect of Science". Leonid Zhmud. Phronesis. (Aug., 1998), pp. 211-244
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Euclid and the Sceptic: A Paper on Vision, Doubt, Geometry, Light and Drunkenness. Sylvia Berryman. Phronesis. (May, 1998), pp. 176-196
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An Early Reference to Perfect Numbers? Some Notes on Euphorion, SH 417. J. L. Lightfoot. Classical Quarterly. (1998), pp. 187-194
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Nuggets: Mining the Texts Again. Andrew Stewart. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1998), pp. 271-282
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The Chronology of Nicomachus of Gerasa. A. H. Criddle. Classical Quarterly. (1998), pp. 324-327
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The Propylon to the Sanctuary of Demeter Malophoros at Selinous. Margaret M. Miles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1998), pp. 35-57
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The Idea(s) of Order of Platonic Dialogues and Their Hermeneutic Consequences. Carol Poster. The Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 1998), pp. 282-298
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The Hippocratic Treatise on Anatomy. E. M. Craik. Classical Quarterly. (1998), pp. 135-167
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Divided Allusion: Virgil and the Coma Berenices. Jeffrey Wills. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1998), pp. 277-305
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On the History of the Greek κοσμοσ. Aryeh Finkelberg. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1998), pp. 103-136
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Problems of Text and Interpretation in Statius, Thebaid I-VI. P. T. Eden. Classical Quarterly. (1998), pp. 320-324
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Collecting the Letters. Stephen Menn. Phronesis. (Nov., 1998), pp. 291-305
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An Agenda for Electronic Text Technology in the Humanities. Susan Hockey. The Classical World. (Jul. - Aug., 1998), pp. 521-542
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