livy, sallust, polybius, appian, books, jugurtha, historian, florus, historians, livius, tacitus, trogus, antias, justin, orosius, epitome, periochae, anacyclosis, virtus, narrative, decade, histories, fortuna, bellum, catiline, justinus, syme, velleius, historiography, pompeius_trogus, preface, bayet, sisenna, adherbal, luce, gabba, ogilvie, decline, romans, livian, ambitio, sallustian, walsh, obsequens, civil_wars, eutropius, pentad, annalistic, coelius, klotz
Punic War in Spain between 211 and 206 B. C.. E. S. Shuckburgh. Classical Review. (Nov., 1892), pp. 381-385
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Notes. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1892), pp. 181-193
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On Semitic Words in Greek and Latin. W. Muss-Arnolt. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1892), pp. 35-156
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Virgil, Aen. iii. 509-511. Percy Simpson. Classical Review. (Oct., 1892), pp. 366-367
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Catullus, LXVI. 59. J. B. Bury. Classical Review. (Oct., 1892), pp. 366
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A Quotation of Mommsen's. J. H. Lupton. Classical Review. (Oct., 1892), pp. 366
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