thucydides, athens, pericles, athenian, athenians, alcibiades, thuc, cleon, nicias, gomme, speech, sparta, speeches, political, historian, spartan, peloponnesian_war, spartans, brasidas, demos, perikles, democracy, themistocles, melos, sicily, funeral, alkibiades, debate, thucydidean, events, andocides, nikias, thukydides, kleon, melians, assembly, andrewes, commentary, dover, plutarch, allies, romilly, generals, policy, periclean, sicilian_expedition, peisander, empire, croix, oration
Pericles' Political Heirs. I. Allen B. West. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1924), pp. 124-146
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Pericles' Political Heirs. II. Allen B. West. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1924), pp. 201-228
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Notes on Certain Athenian Generals of the Year 424-3 B. C.. Allen B. West. American Journal of Philology. (1924), pp. 141-160
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The Greek for a Goldfinch. D'Arcy W. Thompson. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1924), pp. 7-11
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Archaeological Discussions. Sidney N. Deane, E. P. B.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1924), pp. 445-474
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Thucydides and the Greek Wall at Troy. D. S. Robertson. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1924), pp. 7
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The Development of Political Gratitude. Joseph William Hewitt. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1924), pp. 35-51
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Some Passages of Sophocles and Thucydides. E. Harrison. Classical Review. (May - Jun., 1924), pp. 54-55
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Some Oxford University Press Books. Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 25, 1924), pp. 121-123
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Pindar and Homer. Edward Fitch. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1924), pp. 57-65
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Note on Antiphon v. 78. H. G. Robertson. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1924), pp. 368-369
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An Imperial Estate in Germania Superior. D. Atkinson. Classical Review. (May - Jun., 1924), pp. 55-58
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