bvp2, lbvp2, yovv, deleted, vp2c, lvp2, deest, rvp2, correction, marg, vers, transp, vvp2, ante, corr, brownlee, blair, rvp3, sylburgius, vvp3, rykshki, collations, deleted_before, youv, aristophanes, black_figure, borrowed, commentary, iyovv, neapolitanus, rvvp3, aeschylus, avp2, manuscripts, prometheus, xxaxrxsl2, apyvpla, erased, hkli, abbr, xxaxrxs, addidit, aves, sudae, vp2h, corrected, ijyovv, colon, corinth, xxaxrxsl2tta
Attic Black Figure from Corinth: II. Ann Blair Brownlee. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1989), pp. 361-395
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Climactic Elements in Pindar's Verse. William H. Race. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1989), pp. 43-69
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Wo beginnt der Weg der Doxa? Eine Textumstellung im Fragment 8 des "Parmenides". Theodor Ebert. Phronesis. (1989), pp. 121-138
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Menstrual Bleeding according to the Hippocratics and Aristotle. Lesley Dean-Jones. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 177-191
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Chrysippus and the "Placita". Jaap Mansfeld. Phronesis. (1989), pp. 311-342
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Herodotus and Mythic Geography: The Case of the Hyperboreans. James Romm. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 97-113
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