Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
linea, beveridge, mundus, muncel, aueo, expunctum, dacian, aristas, marg, cetate, cretae, baehrensii, b-1498, ditis, loewe, abest, albus, carr, carrio, cornua, frontes, auet, cratera, pair, palus, dicitur, incert, sfcl, arboris, luna, puppis, sinmu, maros, rapidum, sarmizegethusa, sterilis, oaxem, wageningen, adamson, aliquot, ater, b-1474, creterra, decrescente, ferret, incertae, lacuna, modica, ravus, seges


Hugutio's Derivationes and Arnulfus' Commentary on Ovid's Fasti. Jean Holzworth. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1942), pp. 259-276 List themes Full text (235 theme words)
Di Novensides and Di Indigetes. Emil Goldmann. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1942), pp. 43-53 List themes Full text (11 theme words)