water, channel, aqueduct, basin, bath, baths, pipes, frontinus, shank, aqueducts, pipe, flow, aqua, fountain, tunnel, bathing, reservoir, tank, marcia, pool, anio, channels, supply, basins, mill, hydraulic, claudia, water_supply, canal, orata, distribution, conduit, opening, construction, _19th_century, vitruvius, vetus, irrigation, castellum, seal, tanks, branch, gate, naumachia, bridge, spring, alsietina, keel, drainage, discharge
The Simile of the Clepsydra in Empedocles. J. U. Powell. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1923), pp. 172-174
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Notes on Seneca's Tragedies. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1923), pp. 163-172
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Archaeological Discussions. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1923), pp. 189-233
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The Art of Stealing in Hindu Fiction. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1923), pp. 97-133
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The Art of Stealing in Hindu Fiction: Part II. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1923), pp. 193-229
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Archaeological News. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1923), pp. 73-129
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Venus Calva and Venus Cloacina. S. Eitrem. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1923), pp. 14-16
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An Examination in First Term Latin. Thomas H. Briggs. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 19, 1923), pp. 148-151
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When Greek Quotes Greek. Kendall Kerfoot Smith. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 23, 1923), pp. 177-182
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