verg, prop, lygd, lucr, kwis, compounds, ciris, fast, trist, plaut, lucretius, words, spondaic, tragica, catull, ganz, zingerle, aetna, dant, pont, subst, elegy, catal, calefacio, navibus, twice, fris, imma, hapaxes, ibis, occurrences, frgm, propter, facio, luer, pent, lygdamus, culex, priap, quisquis, archaic, thomason, except, pres, prosaic, uolucres, ficio, inchoative, ovid, quibble
Man's "Ephemeros" Nature According to Pindar and Others. Hermann Fränkel. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 131-145
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The Adultery Mime. R. W. Reynolds. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1946), pp. 77-84
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Classical Latin Noun Inflection. Robert A. Hall, Jr.. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1946), pp. 84-90
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The Middle Voice in the de Senectute. Edith Frances Claflin. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 193-221
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