xocl, linnaeus, xail, xcai, xoct, xaci, syst, theseus, systema, trittyen, xacl, xata, giraldi, xcti, barbari, danai, nymphae, xaxov, aristot, gessner, hederich, heller, muncker, amoen, naturae, ryss, xcal, clipeo, hagberg, hoefnagel, nymphales, staveren, xolvov, isomoiria, nereides, volksgericht, eotlv, lxxvi, staatsvertr, tolg, andokides, argonautae, dzcpab, musis, nudam, oltov, plov, lapland, nitentis, venientis
Sophocles' Electra 1074 sqq. H. G. Viljoen. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1916), pp. 1-6
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Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticvs and the Phaedrvs of Plato [Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticus and the Phaedrus of Plato]. G. W. Butterworth. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1916), pp. 198-205
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The Chorus of Euripides. Aristides Evangelus Phoutrides. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1916), pp. 77-170
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Isocrates and the Epicureans. Harry M. Hubbell. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1916), pp. 405-418
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Hesiodic Reminiscences in the "Ascraean" of Kostes Palamas. Aristides Evangelus Phoutrides. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1916), pp. 164-175
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