aber, wird, durch, oder, einer, wenn, werden, diese, sind, noch, hier, sein, nach, dieser, kann, einen, haben, sondern, einem, doch, seiner, seine, selbst, dann, schon, denn, mehr, ganz, dieses, ohne, diesem, habe, dies, frage, sehr, unter, anderen, aristoteles, hatte, stelle, thukydides, immer, zwischen, damit, keine, uber, beiden, bedeutung, diesen, wohl
Caesars Partherkrieg. Jürgen Malitz. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1984), pp. 21-59
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"Christianus sum": Das "Verbrechen" von Außenseitern der römischen Gesellschaft. Friedrich Vittinghoff. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1984), pp. 331-357
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Grenzen der Mehrfachbesteuerung in der Spätantike: Zur Auslegung von CT 12, 1, 33. Hannes Lehmann. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1984), pp. 378-384
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Loss of Self, Suffering, Violence: The Modern View of Dionysus from Nietzsche to Girard. Albert Henrichs. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1984), pp. 205-240
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Horace and the Monuments: A New Interpretation of the Archytas Ode (C.1.28). Bernard Frischer. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1984), pp. 71-102
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The Reconciliations of Juno. D. C. Feeney. Classical Quarterly. (1984), pp. 179-194
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Homeric Axpeion. Jenny Strauss Clay. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1984), pp. 73-76
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ΣΠΟϒΔΑΙΟΣ ; and Teleology in the Poetics. George F. Held. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1984), pp. 159-176
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The Gods on the East Frieze of the Parthenon. Ira S. Mark. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1984), pp. 289-342
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"Negotiatores Allecarii" and the Herring. Robert I. Curtis. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1984), pp. 147-158
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Pyrrha's Grotto and the Farewell to Love: A Study of Horace Odes 1.5. D. W. Thomson Vessey. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1984), pp. 457-469
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Die Datierung des Dekurionenverzeichnisses von Timgad und die spätrömische Klerikergesetzgebung. H. Horstkotte. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1984), pp. 238-247
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The Roman-Punic Pact of 279 B.C.: Its Problems and Its Purpose. B. Dexter Hoyos. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1984), pp. 402-439
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A New Slogan for Oligarchy in Thucydides III.82.8. A. J. Graham, Gary Forsythe. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1984), pp. 25-45
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Amelius-Amerius: Porphyry Vita Plotini 7 and Eunapius Vitae Soph. 4.2. Leonardo Tarán. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1984), pp. 476-479
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A Sense of Taste: Catullus 13. William H. Bernstein. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1984 - Jan., 1985), pp. 127-130
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Senecan Baroque: The Death of Hippolytus in Seneca, Ovid, and Euripides. Charles Segal. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1984), pp. 311-325
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On the Manuscripts and Text of Euripides, Medea: II. The Text. James Diggle. Classical Quarterly. (1984), pp. 50-65
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The Splitting of Choral Lyric in Aeschylus' Oresteia. William Scott. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1984), pp. 150-165
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The Helen Scene in Euripides' Troades. Michael Lloyd. Classical Quarterly. (1984), pp. 303-313
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Ephorus and Timaeus in Diodorus Laqueur's Thesis Rejected. Lionel Pearson. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1984), pp. 1-20
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Allusion and Interpretation in Aeneid 6.440-76. James Tatum. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1984), pp. 434-452
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The Temple of Athena Alea at Tegea. Naomi J. Norman. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1984), pp. 169-194
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Zur politischen Tätigkeit der munizipalen Aristokratie des griechischen Ostens in der Kaiserzeit. H. Devijver. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1984), pp. 253-255
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Notes on Seneca "Rhetor". W. S. Watt. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1984), pp. 103-112
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Aristophanes and the Demon Poverty. A. H. Sommerstein. Classical Quarterly. (1984), pp. 314-333
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L'Archéologie du de re Publica (2, 2, 4-37, 63): Cicéron Entre Polybe et Platon. J.-L. Ferrary. Journal of Roman Studies. (1984), pp. 87-98
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Neglected Children on the Ara Pacis. Ronald Syme. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1984), pp. 583-589
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Athenian Naval Power in the Fourth Century. G. L. Cawkwell. Classical Quarterly. (1984), pp. 334-345
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J. G. Droysen and the Aeschylean Hero. James F. Mcglew. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1984), pp. 1-14
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Greek and Latin Epistolary Formulae: Some Light on Cicero's Letter Writing. Hannah M. Cotton. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1984), pp. 409-425
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On the Origin of "Menippean Satire" as the Name of a Literary Genre. Joel C. Relihan. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1984), pp. 226-229
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A New Late Antique Ivory: The Fauvel Panel. Alan Cameron. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1984), pp. 397-402
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"Ter Frustra Comprensa": Embraces in the "Aeneid". Elizabeth Belfiore. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1984), pp. 19-30
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The Rock-Cut Mithraea of Arupium (Dalmatia). Roger Beck. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1984), pp. 356-371
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Socrates on Desire for the Good and the Involuntariness of Wrongdoing: "Gorgias" 466a-468e. Kevin McTighe. Phronesis. (1984), pp. 193-236
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Aetolia 331-301: Frustration, Political Power, and Survival. Doron Mendels. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1984), pp. 129-180
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Anacreon Fragment 13 Page. R. Renehan. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1984), pp. 28-32
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The Burners: A Reading of Bacchylides' Third Epinician Ode. Anne Carson. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1984), pp. 111-119
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Sic Exempla Parantur: Livia's Shrine to Concordia and the Porticus Liviae. Marleen Boudreau Flory. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1984), pp. 309-330
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Aristotle's Rationalist Account of Qualitative Interaction. Alexander P. D. Mourelatos. Phronesis. (1984), pp. 1-16
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Propertius and the Unity of the Book. G. O. Hutchinson. Journal of Roman Studies. (1984), pp. 99-106
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Rome, Aphrodisias and the Res Gestae: The Genera Militiae and the Status of Octavian. J. Linderski. Journal of Roman Studies. (1984), pp. 74-80
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