eros, love, beauty, lover, symposium, beautiful, phaedrus, plato, socrates, alcibiades, erotic, beloved, aphrodite, desire, lysis, diotima, agathon, speech, loved, sokrates, homosexual, dover, homosexuality, lovers, pederasty, eryximachus, sexual, loving, friendship, loves, object, hippothales, pausanias, boys, youth, physical, dialogue, pregnancy, aristophanes, love_is, symp, eromenos, pregnant, ascent, to_love, lysias, pederastic, erastes, philia, menexenus
῎Ερως, ᾿Επιθυμία, and Φιλία in Plato. Drew A. Hyland. Phronesis. (1968), pp. 32-46
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Some Aspects of Plato's Theory of Forms: "Timaeus" 49c ff.. K. W. Mills. Phronesis. (1968), pp. 145-170
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The Symbolism of the Apple in Greek and Roman Literature. A. R. Littlewood. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1968), pp. 147-181
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A Survey of Publications on Greek Lyric Poetry since 1952 (Continued). Douglas E. Gerber. The Classical World. (Apr., 1968), pp. 317-330
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False Statement in the Sophistes. J. A. Philip. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1968), pp. 315-327
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Theocritus' Idyll 13: Love and the Hero. Donald J. Mastronarde. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1968), pp. 273-290
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Some Reflections on Ate and Hamartia. R. D. Dawe. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1968), pp. 89-123
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Embryological Analogies in Empedocles' Cosmogony. F. A. Wilford. Phronesis. (1968), pp. 108-118
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Pindar and the Mercenary Muse: Isthm. 2.1-13. Leonard Woodbury. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1968), pp. 527-542
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Simonides: 480. Anthony J. Podlecki. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jul., 1968), pp. 257-275
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Some Problems of Text and Interpretation in the Hippolytus. C. W. Willink. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1968), pp. 11-43
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