propertius, poem, ovid, tibullus, elegy, poet, love, cynthia, lover, poems, elegiac, poetry, elegies, amores, erotic, lines, gallus, amor, prop, sulpicia, mistress, poetic, line, venus, puella, himself, girl, lovers, amatory, amoris, poets, couplet, apollo, messalla, cupid, literary, propertian, camps, woman, delia, corinna, epic, beloved, vertumnus, barber, catullus, verse, augustan, callimachean, callimachus
The Paraclausithyron as a Literary Theme. H. V. Canter. American Journal of Philology. (1920), pp. 355-368
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The Juvenile Works of Ovid and the Spondaic Period of His Metrical Art. Robert S. Radford. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1920), pp. 146-171
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The Lover's Blindness. M. B. Ogle. American Journal of Philology. (1920), pp. 240-252
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Martial and Formal Literary Criticism. Keith Preston. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1920), pp. 340-352
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Vergil's Apprenticeship. I. Tenney Frank. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1920), pp. 23-38
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Ticidas the Neoteric Poet. Tenney Frank. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1920), pp. 91-93
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The Love of Nature in Vergil. I. C. K.. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 29, 1920), pp. 49-51
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Caesar B.G. ii. 4. 6. O. F. Long. Classical Journal. (May, 1920), pp. 501-502
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The Accusative of Specification in Latin (Concluded). Wm. Hamilton Kirk. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 26, 1920), pp. 98-101
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Unlisted Fragments of Aeschylus. Herbert Weir Smyth. American Journal of Philology. (1920), pp. 101-114
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The MSS. of Callimachvs' Hymns (Continued) [The MSS. of Callimachus' Hymns (Continued)]. M. T. Smiley. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1920), pp. 57-77
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The Cvlex. [The Culex]. W. R. Hardie. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1920), pp. 23-38
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Inorganic Rôles in Roman Comedy. Henry W. Prescott. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1920), pp. 245-281
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De Nihilo. A. E. Housman. Classical Review. (Nov. - Dec., 1920), pp. 161-164
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Cornificius as Daphnis?. Tenney Frank. Classical Review. (May - Jun., 1920), pp. 49-51
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Punctuation of Livy XXVII. Ch. XL. § 10. S. M. M. Furness. Classical Review. (Nov. - Dec., 1920), pp. 167-168
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