money, property, paid, payment, amount, price, talents, land, sale, value, financial, cost, received, wealth, gold, private, treasury, public, taxes, drachmas, sold, denarii, payments, income, sesterces, silver, debt, funds, contract, loan, obols, prices, gifts, estate, loans, cash, drachmae, rate, business, sums, contracts, debts, purchase, tribute, revenues, exchange, goods, revenue, fiscus, aerarium
The Army and the Land in the Roman Revolution. P. A. Brunt. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 69-86
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The Economic Differentiation of the Roman Nobility at the End of the Republic. Maria Jaczynowska. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Oct., 1962), pp. 486-499
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Loans to Karystos about 370 B. C.. W. P. Wallace. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1962), pp. 15-28
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Agis, Cleomenes, and Equality. Alexander Fuks. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1962), pp. 161-166
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Demades of Paeania and IG II2. 1493, 1494, 1495. Fordyce W. Mitchel. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1962), pp. 213-229
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Roman History, 65-50 B.C.: Five Problems. J. P. V. D. Balsdon. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 134-141
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Three Notes on Imperial Estates. Ramsay MacMullen. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1962), pp. 277-282
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A Fresh Approach to Pliny's Letters. Betty Radice. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1962), pp. 160-168
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The Ma Tablets from Pylos. William F. Wyatt, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1962), pp. 21-41
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De Brevitate Vitae. Miriam T. Griffin. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 104-113
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The Senate after Sulla. J. R. Hawthorn. Greece & Rome. (Mar., 1962), pp. 53-60
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From the Gracchi to Sulla (1940-59). E. Badian. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Apr., 1962), pp. 197-245
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Literature and Literacy in Ancient Greece: II. Caging the Muses. J. A. Davison. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1962), pp. 219-233
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Roman-Egyptian Relations in Delos. Eleanor G. Huzar. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1962), pp. 169-178
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The Poet's Apotheosis: Horace, Odes 1.1. Herbert Musurillo. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1962), pp. 230-239
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The Funerary Garden of Mousa Reconsidered. P. M. Fraser, B. Nicholas. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 156-159
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Further Thoughts on the Aurelia Tetoueis Papers. Naphtali Lewis. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1962), pp. 185-187
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From a to "Beer": The "Thesaurus Linguae Latinae". Harry C. Schnur. The Classical World. (May, 1962), pp. 229-231
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Sallust's "Catiline": Date and Purpose. L. A. MacKay. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1962), pp. 181-194
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Cyrenaica, Pompey and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. Joyce Reynolds. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 97-103
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Trajan's Replies to Pliny: Authorship and Necessity. A. N. Sherwin-White. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 114-125
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The Mytilene Debate: Thucydides 3.36-49. A. Andrewes. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1962), pp. 64-85
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Notes on Cicero, Ad Atticum 1 and 2. W. S. Watt. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1962), pp. 252-262
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Literature and Literacy in Ancient Greece. J. A. Davison. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1962), pp. 141-156
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Peripatos: The Athenian Philosophical Scene--II. R. E. Wycherley. Greece & Rome. (Mar., 1962), pp. 2-21
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The Roman Surveyors. O. A. W. Dilke. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1962), pp. 170-180
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L. S. J. and Cicero's Letters. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1962), pp. 159-165
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The Defence of Olynthus. G. L. Cawkwell. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1962), pp. 122-140
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Koroni: A Ptolemaic Camp on the East Coast of Attica. Eugene Vanderpool, James R. McCredie, Arthur Steinberg. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1962), pp. 26-61
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The Discovery of Sarapis and the Foundation of Alexandria. C. Bradford Welles. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jul., 1962), pp. 271-298
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Poetry in the Moral Climate of Augustan Rome. Gordon Williams. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 28-46
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Gennadeion Notes, I. Francis R. Walton. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1962), pp. 404-412
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Greek and Latin Inscriptions at Bowdoin. Kevin Herbert. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1962), pp. 381-387
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Horace, Augustus, and Ode, I, 2. L. A. MacKay. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1962), pp. 168-177
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Corinthian Politics and the Revolution of 392 B.C.. Donald Kagan. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Oct., 1962), pp. 447-457
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Nepos `σϰορΠισής' and Philoxenus. John L. Heller. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1962), pp. 61-89
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The Greek Thesaurus. Harry C. Schnur. The Classical World. (Dec., 1962), pp. 65-67
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The MSS. of Seneca's Tragedies. A. S. F. Gow. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1962), pp. 282
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Hygieia Tharso and Iaon: The Phaistos Disk. Henry D Ephron. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1962), pp. 1-91
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Greek, Etruscan and Roman Sculpture in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Cornelius C. Vermeule. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1962), pp. 145-159
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Euripides' Orestes: An Interpretation. Nathan A. Greenberg. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1962), pp. 157-192
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Teaching with the Filmstrip. Elizabeth E. Seittelman. The Classical World. (Jan., 1962), pp. 112-114+116
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The Chronological Order of Cicero's Earliest Letters to Atticus. Richard S. Stewart. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1962), pp. 459-470
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Additions to the Greek, Etruscan and Roman Collections in Boston. Cornelius C. Vermeule III. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1962), pp. 1-18
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The Roman Siege-Works of Masada, Israel. I. A. Richmond. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 142-155
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Surety in Alexander's Letter to the Chians. F. W. Walbank. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1962), pp. 178-180
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The Campaign between Athens and Aegina in the Years before Salamis (Herodotus, VI, 87-93). L. H. Jeffery. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1962), pp. 44-54
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Cicero and the Ager Campanus. David Stockton. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1962), pp. 471-489
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Herakles and Theseus on a Red-Figured Louterion. Brian B. Shefton. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1962), pp. 330-368+414-415
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Palestine c. A. D. 115-118. E. Mary Smallwood. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Oct., 1962), pp. 500-510
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Horace: Laudator Temporis Acti?. Margaret E. Taylor. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1962), pp. 23-43
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The Pseudo-History of Messenia and Its Authors. Lionel Pearson. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Oct., 1962), pp. 397-426
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A Home for Diomede. S. R. West. Classical Review. (Dec., 1962), pp. 199
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Catullus' Journey (Carm. 4). Michael C. J. Putnam. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1962), pp. 10-19
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Waiting for Sulla. E. Badian. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 47-61
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The Slavonic Threat to Greece Circa 580: Some Evidence from Athens. D. M. Metcalf. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1962), pp. 134-157
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The Luvian Invasions of Greece. George E. Mylonas. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1962), pp. 284-309
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Thebes and the Expansion of the Second Athenian Confederacy: IG II 40 and IG II 43. Anne Pippin Burnett. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jan., 1962), pp. 1-17
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Excavations at Isthmia 1959-1961. Oscar Broneer. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1962), pp. 1-25
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A Phlyax Vase in Rio de Janeiro. H. R. W. Smith. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1962), pp. 323-331
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Sapor I and the Apollo of Bryaxis. Arthur Darby Nock. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1962), pp. 307-310
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Thrasymachus' Definition of Justice in Plato's "Republic". George F. Hourani. Phronesis. (1962), pp. 110-120
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Hoi Peri to Diogeneion Again. O. W. Reinmuth. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1962), pp. 374-388
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In the Journals. A. G. McKay. The Classical World. (Jan., 1962), pp. 127-129
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The Aegina Treasure. Clark Hopkins. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1962), pp. 182-184
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Polemic in Polybius. F. W. Walbank. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 1-12
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