plautus, quid, terence, mihi, tibi, plaut, poen, trin, atque, capt, nunc, phorm, esse, amph, bacch, etiam, pers, merc, truc, quin, neque, haut, pseud, asin, andr, epid, curc, heaut, enim, quom, haec, cist, lindsay, prol, phor, hercle, ille, licet, hunc, passages, stich, istuc, quis, hodie, scio, bene, nonne, homo, egone, quidem
Unpublished Scholia from the Vaticanus (C) of Terence. Minton Warren. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1901), pp. 125-136
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The Unreal Conditional Sentence in Plautus. H. C. Nutting. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 297-316
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Proceedings of the Sessions of the American Philological Association Held at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec., 1900, and at Cambridge, Mass., July, 1901, Also of the Session of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, Cal., Dec., 1900. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1901), pp. i-lxvii+lxix-clxxxiv
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A Further Collection of Latin Proverbs. IV. M. C. Sutphen. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 361-391
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A Further Collection of Latin Proverbs. M. C. Sutphen. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 1-28
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Prohibitives in Terence. Willard K. Clement. Classical Review. (Apr., 1901), pp. 157-159
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On Some Ancient and Modern Etymologies. Minton Warren. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1901), pp. 110-120
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A Further Collection of Latin Proverbs. II. Morris C. Sutphen. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 121-148
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A Further Collection of Latin Proverbs. III. Morris C. Sutphen. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 241-260
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Miscellanea. Morris H. Morgan. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1901), pp. 231-248
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Elision in the Diaeresis of the Pentameter of Catullus. Emory B. Lease. Classical Review. (Oct., 1901), pp. 362
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Elmer's Treatment of the Prohibitive-A Rejoinder. Willard K. Clement. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 87-96
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Plautinum, Persa 777-8. Theophanes Kakridis. Classical Review. (Oct., 1901), pp. 362
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Excusator in Salvianus. John E. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (Oct., 1901), pp. 362
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On Phaedrus IV. vii. 17 sqq. J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (Oct., 1901), pp. 362
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On the First Book of Horace's Satires. J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (Jul., 1901), pp. 302-309
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Method in Study of the Modes. H. C. Nutting. Classical Review. (Nov., 1901), pp. 420-422
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On the History of the Unreal Condition in Latin. H. C. Nutting. Classical Review. (Feb., 1901), pp. 51-53
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The Codex Tornaesianus of Nonius Marcellus. W. M. Lindsay. Classical Review. (Apr., 1901), pp. 156-157
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A Study of the Leyden MS of Nonius Marcellus. W. M. Lindsay. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 29-38
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Notes and Suggestions on Apuleius. Robinson Ellis. Classical Review. (Feb., 1901), pp. 48-51
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The New 'Codex Optimus' of Martial. W. M. Lindsay. Classical Review. (Nov., 1901), pp. 413-420
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The Preposition AB in Horace. John C. Rolfe. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1901), pp. 249-260
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The Chronology of the Wars in Armenia, A. D. 51-63. Bernard W. Henderson. Classical Review. (Apr., 1901), pp. 159-165
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The New Fragment of Juvenal. A. E. Housman. Classical Review. (Jun., 1901), pp. 263-266
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On Ellipsis in Some Latin Constructions. J. B. Greenough. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1901), pp. 1-5
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On the Subjunctive with Forsitan. H. C. Elmer. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1901), pp. 205-217
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The Chronology of the Wars in Armenia, A. D. 51-63. Bernard W. Henderson. Classical Review. (Jun., 1901), pp. 266-274
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Anaphora and Chiasmus in Livy. R. B. Steele. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1901), pp. 154-185
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