verbal, allen, trach, verbals, sikes, sophocles, schol, hermann, duport, passive, soph, cohn, cant, barnes, lobeck, omentum, agar, silently, verbalia, euripides, tiburti, fragment, instead, canter, herv, voss, schindler, adjective, composita, ludwich, modal, modality, ania, appropriated, hesych, jebb, tengri, ayios, corrupt, corruption, suidas, axoxos, dxoxos, enallage, hweilai, mehlhorn, simplicia, weck, derive, having
Aristophanes' "Wasps" and the Sociopolitics of Aesop's Fables. Kenneth S. Rothwell, Jr.. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1995), pp. 233-254
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Family Ties: Significant Patronymics in Euripides' Andromache. Susanna Phillippo. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 355-371
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Barrier and Transcendence: The Door and the Eagle in Iliad 24.314-21. Emily Katz Anhalt. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 280-295
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