imperial, emperor, city, empire, local, official, public, provincial, status, officials, office, cities, emperors, provinces, governor, administration, freedmen, title, service, private, municipal, military, hadrian, augustus, period, rank, inscription, offices, reign, equestrian, citizens, senatorial, civic, governors, administrative, duties, early, augustales, trajan, senators, privileges, patronage, edict, became, high, served, magistrates, granted, roman_empire, citizenship
The Grant of Immunitas to Brundisium. Bernard W. Henderson. Classical Review. (Jun., 1897), pp. 251-255
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Greek Metrical Inscriptions from Phrygia. (Continued). A. Souter. Classical Review. (Apr., 1897), pp. 136-138
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Eighteenth Annual Report of the Council of the Archaeological Institute of America. John Williams White. American Journal of Archaeology. (Mar. - Apr., 1897), pp. 69-90
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Cretan Expedition III. Epigraphical Researches in Gortyna. Federico Halbherr. American Journal of Archaeology. (May - Jun., 1897), pp. 159-238
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The Porcian Coins and the Porcian Laws. A. H. J. Greenidge. Classical Review. (Dec., 1897), pp. 437-440
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Archaeological Discussions. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1897), pp. 388-453
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The Origin of Roman Praenomina. George Davis Chase. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1897), pp. 103-184
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Archaeological News. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1897), pp. 333-387
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The Minor Works of Xenophon. (Continued). H. Richards, Xenophon. Classical Review. (Apr., 1897), pp. 133-136
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Tenochtitlan: Its Site Identified. Arthur Howard Noll. American Journal of Archaeology. (Nov. - Dec., 1897), pp. 515-524
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Reasons for Plato's Hostility to the Poets. Carleton L. Brownson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1897), pp. 5-41
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