mass, conn, charles, new_haven, henry, baltimore, washington, mich, edward, yale_university, boston, columbia_university, new_york_city, university_of_california_berkeley, hall, frank, arthur, i900, high_school, st_louis, ann_arbor, mary, street, herbert, smith, cleveland, tenn, brooklyn, dean, providence, proceedings, american_philological_association, i896, cornell_university, los_angeles, vassar_college, i899, walter, madison, cincinnati, ithaca, stanford_university, avenue, leland_stanford, i909, i898, i890, i887, toronto, i888
Proceedings of the Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Also of the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1930), pp. i-cxxi
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General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America December 26-28, 1929. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1930), pp. 47-60
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Eta Sigma Phi. H. Lloyd Stow. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1930), pp. 433-434
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Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1929. Edward H. Heffner. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1930), pp. 223-259
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A Course in General Language. Theresa Wehr. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1930), pp. 194-206
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Modern Counterfeiting of Ancient Coins. Robert W. Meader, Raymond H. White. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1930), pp. 367-372
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Actus Homericus. Aloysius J. Hogan. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 10, 1930), pp. 136
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Echoes of Catullus in the Messianic Eclogue of Vergil. E. Marion Smith. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1930), pp. 141-143
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The Influence of Virgil upon the Forms of English Verse. Henry Rushton Fairclough. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1930), pp. 74-94
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Dionysius of Syracuse. Financier. Charles J. Bullock. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1930), pp. 260-276
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John Evelyn's Vergilian Pilgrimage. Mary Johnston. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 3, 1930), pp. 109-110
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The Dido Episode in the Aeneid. Edna Wiegand. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 14, 1930), pp. 171-172
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Impressions of the Aeneid. Edna Wiegand. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 14, 1930), pp. 169-171
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The Number "Fifty". Ernest Riedel. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1930), pp. 696-698
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Translation of Matthew VI, 27. John A. Scott. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1930), pp. 698
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Schiller and Vergil. E. Schultz Gerhard. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 10, 1930), pp. 33-35
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Navigation on the Tiber. J. E. Eubanks. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1930), pp. 683-695
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Greek in a Secondary School. Josiah Bridge. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1930), pp. 291-298
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