forms, latin, root, stem, suffix, words, brugmann, word, ending, indo-european, stems, sanskrit, analogy, meaning, verb, beside, vowel, roots, verbs, formation, languages, language, italic, compounds, phonetic, sing, suffixes, perfect, originally, nouns, oscan, derived, compound, primitive, development, derivation, hittite, accent, secondary, etymology, plural, adjectives, verbal, weak, grade, endings, semantic, aryan, dialects, derivatives
A Non Educendo. Joshua Whatmough. The Classical World. (Oct., 1960), pp. 18-19
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Classroom Applications of Rhotacism and Vowel Weakening. John F. Gummere. The Classical World. (May, 1960), pp. 254-255
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The Oscan Cippus Abellanus: A New Interpretation. Ernst Pulgram. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1960), pp. 16-29
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The Origin of the Greek Accusative in Latin. E. Adelaide Hahn. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1960), pp. 221-238
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Homer and the Alphabet. G. P. Goold. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1960), pp. 272-291
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Two Archaic Inscriptions from Latium. Stefan Weinstock. Journal of Roman Studies. (1960), pp. 112-118
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Enniana III. O. Skutsch. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1960), pp. 188-198
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Notes on Homeric Psychology. E. L. Harrison. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1960), pp. 63-80
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An Introduction to Mycenology. W. Edward Brown. The Classical World. (Mar., 1960), pp. 186-191
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Aeschylus Agamemnon 412f.. J. F. Killeen. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1960), pp. 253-254
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A Decree of Themistokles from Troizen. Michael H. Jameson. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1960), pp. 198-223
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A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek. J. H. Morgan. The Classical World. (Dec., 1960), pp. 77-81+105-106
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$\sqrt{Alb-}$ Derivatives in Apicius. Mary Ella Milham. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1960), pp. 142-145
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