trial, court, oath, laws, legal, punishment, penalty, homicide, courts, athenian, procedure, witnesses, defendant, jury, action, judges, crime, public, justice, prosecution, judge, jurors, athens, murder, trials, accused, antiphon, witness, appeal, penalties, private, oaths, exile, suit, plaintiff, charges, testimony, lysias, prison, execution, guilty, lipsius, torture, arbitration, person, killing, areopagus, imprisonment, judicial, slave
Proceedings. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1869 - 1870), pp. 5-30+3-30
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On the Best Method of Studying the North American Languages. J. Hammond Trumbull. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1869 - 1870), pp. 55-79
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