christian, pagan, augustine, christians, christianity, jerome, church, eusebius, bishop, christ, ambrose, tertullian, prudentius, gregory, paul, letter, religious, persecution, pagans, basil, bishops, migne, clement, origen, new_testament, paganism, acts, chrysostom, gospel, letters, review, conversion, syriac, contra, religion, fourth_century, sermons, vita, martyrs, latin, saint, st_paul, cyprian, biblical, jesus, st_augustine, lactantius, faith, rufinus, writings
On the Western Text of the Acts as Evidenced by Chrysostom. Fred. C. Conybeare. American Journal of Philology. (1896), pp. 135-171
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Musonius the Etruscan. Charles Pomeroy Parker. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1896), pp. 123-137
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Some Passages in Valerius Flaccus. J. B. Bury. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 35-39
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Note on Confessio S. Patricii. T. R. Glover. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 39
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-īs in the Fut. Perf. Ind. and Perf. Subj. in Latin. John C. Rolfe. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 190-191
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Thucydides vi. 21 fin. W. G. Rutherford. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 191-192
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Plato and St. Paul. John E. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 191
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The 'Provocatio Militiae' and Provincial Jurisdiction. A. H. J. Greenidge. Classical Review. (Jun., 1896), pp. 225-233
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Mr. Agar's Review of the Oxford Homer. D. B. Monro. Classical Review. (Dec., 1896), pp. 455
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Age at Marriage and at Death in the Roman Empire. Albert Granger Harkness. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1896), pp. 35-72
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Emendations of Philo 'De Sacrificantibus'. Fred. C. Conybeare. Classical Review. (Jul., 1896), pp. 281-284
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Notes to the Dialogus de Oratoribus Based on Gudeman's Edition. R. B. Steele. American Journal of Philology. (1896), pp. 45-70
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