verb, genitive, plural, accusative, noun, dative, verbs, singular, forms, adjective, construction, nouns, ablative, passive, latin, adjectives, nominative, participle, usage, object, meaning, active, infinitive, uses, words, preposition, neuter, pronoun, sentence, phrase, vocative, word, syntax, gerund, prepositions, gerundive, pronouns, substantive, sense, person, verbal, adverb, participles, phrases, feminine, constructions, absolute, masculine, adverbs, predicate
The Supposed Reflexive Pronoun in Latin. E. Adelaide Hahn. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 86-112
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Studies in the Syntax of Attic Comedy. James W. Poultney. American Journal of Philology. (Oct., 1963), pp. 359-376
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Abstracts of Papers to Be Read at APA Meeting, December, 1963. The Classical World. (Dec., 1963), pp. 92-104+121-132
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The Origin and Use of Ο, Η, ΤΟ ΔΕΙΝΑ. A. C. Moorhouse. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1963), pp. 19-25
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The Romans on Linguistic Change. Myra L. Uhlfelder. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1963), pp. 23-30
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A Closer Look at Homeric Formulas. Joseph A. Russo. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 235-247
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Early Christian Inscriptions of Crete. Anastasius C. Bandy. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1963), pp. 227-247
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Financial Documents from the Athenian Agora. A. M. Woodward. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1963), pp. 144-186
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Two Linguistic Topics in Quintilian. Robert Coleman. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1963), pp. 1-18
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The Craft of Catullus (Carm. 4). Roger A. Hornsby. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1963), pp. 256-265
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A Medieval Nun's Diary. Harry J. Leon. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1963), pp. 121-127
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Stress as a Factor in Classical Greek Accentuation. Raphael Sealey. Greece & Rome. (Mar., 1963), pp. 11-25
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Enniana V. O. Skutsch. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1963), pp. 89-100
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Some Greek Textual Problems. Robert Renehan. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1963), pp. 269-283
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Sophocles, Trachiniae 539-40. A. A. Long. Classical Review. (Jun., 1963), pp. 128-129
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Notes on Papyri. Herbert C. Youtie. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 328-345
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Cicero, Ad Atticvm v. 12. 2. W. S. Watt. Classical Review. (Jun., 1963), pp. 129-131
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Emendations and Interpretations in Nonnus' Dionysiaca. Giuseppe Giangrande. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1963), pp. 63-74
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Notes on Euripides' Supplices. C. Collard. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1963), pp. 178-187
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Zeus's Orchard without Zeus's Palace. Donald Norman Levin. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 107-109
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Horace's "Carpe Diem". R. E. Grimm. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1963), pp. 313-318
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Multiple Change in the Metamorphoses. William S. Anderson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 1-27
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Thucydides 5. 83. 4. Stanley Shechter. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 118-119
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Critical Notes on Apollonius Rhodius. M. L. West. Classical Review. (Mar., 1963), pp. 9-12
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A Heresy-Hunt Continued. J. B. Poynton. Greece & Rome. (Mar., 1963), pp. 62
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The Attic Demes OA and OE. Sterling Dow. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 166-181
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Catullus 49. D. E. W. Wormell. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1963), pp. 59-60
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A Note on Leg. Gort. 1. 2-7. R. F. Willetts. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 111-112
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Τω και εγω: The First Person in Pindar. Mary R. Lefkowitz. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1963), pp. 177-253
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Hesiodic and Milesian Cosmogonies: II. Michael C. Stokes. Phronesis. (1963), pp. 1-34
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A Peculiar Use of ἐκ?. A. O. Hulton. Classical Review. (Dec., 1963), pp. 252-253
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Fvri et Avreli, comites Catvlli. L. Richardson, Jr.. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 93-106
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The Principles of Parmenides' Cosmogony. A. A. Long. Phronesis. (1963), pp. 90-107
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The Altars of Hadrian in Athens and Hadrian's Panhellenic Program. Anna S. Benjamin. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1963), pp. 57-86
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Sophocles, Philoctetes 1140-5. J. H. Kells. Classical Review. (Mar., 1963), pp. 7-9
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An Emendation in Nonnus. Giuseppe Giangrande. Classical Review. (Dec., 1963), pp. 253-256
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'Prehistoric Crete': A Warning. John Chadwick. Greece & Rome. (Mar., 1963), pp. 3-10
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Ambivalent ΑΙΔΩΣ in Hesiod. K. J. McKay. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1963), pp. 17-27
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Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula. Virginia R. Grace. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1963), pp. 319-334
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A Curse Tablet from Nottinghamshire. Eric G. Turner. Journal of Roman Studies. (1963), pp. 122-124
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Cosmic Periods in the Philosophy of Empedocles. Edwin L. Minar, Jr.. Phronesis. (1963), pp. 127-145
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Perfume on Lentils. Lionel Pearson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 176-184
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Greek Inscriptions. Benjamin D. Meritt. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1963), pp. 1-56
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Two Prologues: Menander and Plautus. Robert B. Lloyd. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 146-161
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The Athenian Anagrapheis. Sterling Dow. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1963), pp. 37-54
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Creusa's Monody: Ion 859-922. Jene Larue. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 126-136
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A Fragment of Sappho Reinterpreted. G. S. Kirk. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1963), pp. 51-52
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Homeric Hymn 7. 44-48. F. E. Sparshott. Classical Review. (Mar., 1963), pp. 1-2
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The "Days" of the Works and Days. Friedrich Solmsen. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 293-320
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