sanskrit, indian, india, hindu, indra, agni, vedic, hertel, mans, sankhya, brahman, yoga, american_journal_of_philology, buddha, epic, veda, tantr, soma, megasthenes, magadhan, hymn, verse, pali, indic, paficatantra, rig-veda, versions, panini, avesta, thou, mansehra, stanza, verses, pahlavi, girnar, native, pada, weber, periplus, shahbazgarhi, manu, tiger, buddhist, asokan, kushan, salvation, gandhara, siamese, jainistic, ludwig
The Historical Setting of Megasthenes' Indica. A. B. Bosworth. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1996), pp. 113-127
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The Joint Role of Orality and Literacy in the Composition, Transmission, and Performance of the Homeric Texts: A Comparative View. Thérèse de Vet. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974). (1996), pp. 43-76
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Helen and the ΛΙΟΣΒΟΥΛΗ. Kenneth Mayer. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1996), pp. 1-15
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From Narmouthis (Medinet Madi) to Kellis (Ismant El-Kharab): Manichaean Documents from Roman Egypt. I. M. F. Gardner, S. N. C. Lieu. Journal of Roman Studies. (1996), pp. 146-169
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Oedipus in Burma. Lowell Edmunds. The Classical World. (Sep. - Oct., 1996), pp. 15-22
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The Urine and the Vine: Astyages' Dreams at Herodotus 1.107-8. Christopher Pelling. Classical Quarterly. (1996), pp. 68-77
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Nomos and Replaceability in the Story of Intaphrenes and His Wife. Clara Shaw Hardy. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974). (1996), pp. 101-109
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Some Remarks on Research in Classics: The Twenty-Fifth Annual Faculty Research Lecture. Paul Friedländer, Maximilian Braun, William M. Calder III. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1996), pp. 39-55
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Structures of Care in the Iliad. K. Lynn-George. Classical Quarterly. (1996), pp. 1-26
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Fear of Death in Horace, "Odes" 3.24.7. Robert W. Carrubba. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1996), pp. 371-376
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