apuleius, lucius, novel, metamorphoses, romance, story, chariton, heliodorus, psyche, longus, novels, isis, achilles_tatius, tale, narrative, aristomenes, romances, callirhoe, calasiris, charite, reader, helm, perry, theagenes, xenophon, fiction, chloe, curiosity, narrator, daphnis, charikleia, chaereas, magic, stories, chaireas, ovos, curiositas, winkler, tales, plot, golden_ass, hero, thrasyllus, erotic, leucippe, lucian, pudentilla, heliodoros, fotis, thelyphron
'Klephtika': The Tradition of the Tales of Banditry in Apuleius. P. A. Mackay. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1963), pp. 147-152
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City Population in Roman Africa. R. P. Duncan-Jones. Journal of Roman Studies. (1963), pp. 85-90
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Plotinus and the "Daimonion" of Socrates. John M. Rist. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1963), pp. 13-24
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Historical Fiction on Classical Themes: Revised List, 1963. Hazel S. Beall. The Classical World. (Nov., 1963), pp. 57-64
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