himself, young, ever, whom, every, your, days, things, mind, wrote, spirit, enough, something, true, famous, friend, words, youth, country, poet, knew, high, become, love, take, poor, name, story, master, living, written, learned, thing, lived, told, themselves, friends, gave, full, heart, taste, greatest, look, live, away, heard, sort, familiar, real, beauty
The Younger Pliny. Gentleman and Citizen. Fred S. Dunham. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1945), pp. 417-426
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Lowell and Longinus. John Paul Pritchard. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 358-376
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Poets and Philosophers. O. J. Todd. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1945), pp. 49-71
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Women in Roman Life and Letters. F. E. Adcock. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1945), pp. 1-11
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A Great Roman Rebel. George Depue Hadzsits. Classical Journal. (May, 1945), pp. 449-466
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Lessing's Critical Opinion of the Captivi of Plautus. M. E. Agnew. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 10, 1945), pp. 66-70
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Proceedings: American Philological Association Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting and Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. i-xc
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Seneca the Satirist. J. M. K. Martin. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 64-71
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Arbores Quae Alteri Saeculo Prosint. Eugene S. McCartney. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1945), pp. 75-78
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The Medical Conceptions of a Roman Layman. Bruno Meinecke. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1945), pp. 113-118
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Classicism as a Contemporary Guide. Walter R. Agard. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1945), pp. 387-397
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Some Athenian Epigrams from the Persian Wars. F. Jacoby. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 157-211
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The Epileptic. E. M. Blaiklock. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 48-63
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Expanded Uses of the Greek Gymnasium. Clarence A. Forbes. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1945), pp. 32-42
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The Purpose of the Lex Iulia et Papia Poppaea. James A. Field, Jr.. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1945), pp. 398-416
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The Meaning of the Pharsalia. Berthe M. Marti. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 352-376
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Noises off: Some Sound-Effects in Virgil. S. Whately. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1945), pp. 17-28
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Archaeological News and Discussions. Stephen B. Luce, M. B., H. N. F., Karl Lehmann. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1945), pp. 81-104
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The Architect of the American Republic. Henry Montgomery. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 17, 1945), pp. 74-78
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Vincent, or the Donkey. Kathleen Freeman. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 33-41
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From Farthest West. H. R. W. Smith. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 465-479
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Some Aspects of the Structure of Aeneid VII. Eduard Fraenkel. Journal of Roman Studies. (1945), pp. 1-14
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Socrates Enters Rome: Georgio Lincoln Hendrickson Octogenario Feliciter. Paul Friedländer. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 337-351
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The Epilogue of Pindar's Second Pythian. Leonard Woodbury. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 11-30
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Paulo Maiora Canamus: Some Second Thoughts about the Classics in America. Van Johnson. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 29, 1945), pp. 35-37
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Ciceronian Oratory. M. L. Clarke. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 72-81
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A Greek Folksong Copied for Lord Byron. C. M. Dawson, A. E. Raubitschek. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1945), pp. 33-57
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Thoughts on Thales. Abraham Feldman. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 4-6
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The Rôle of Eryximachus in Plato's Symposium. Ludwig Edelstein. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 85-103
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Titus, "Amor Ac Deliciae Generis Humani". Helen Price. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 3, 1945), pp. 58-61
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Seneca's Tragedies. A New Interpretation. Berthe Marti. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 216-245
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Interim Report on Minturnae. Jotham Johnson. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 1, 1945), pp. 6-8
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Archaeological News and Discussions. Stephen B. Luce, G. M. A. R., Hugh Hencken. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 358-377
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The Classics and a Modern Autobiography. Alfred P. Dorjahn. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1945), pp. 553-555
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Lycurgus in the Judgement of a German Eighteenth-Century Humanist. Lucy Elkan. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 82-86
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A Publisher Speaks of Latin. Charles E. Bacon. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 5, 1945), pp. 130-132
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St. Augustine on Semantics and Certain Problems of Teaching. L. R. Lind. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 22, 1945), pp. 26-29
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The First Edition of the Amores. Revilo P. Oliver. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 191-215
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Horace and the Elegists. Brooks Otis. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 177-190
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Sparsiones. Hugh Nibley. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1945), pp. 515-543
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Macrobius, Erasmus, and Dale Carnegie. Charles Sanford Rayment. Classical Journal. (May, 1945), pp. 496-497
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Ancient Spies. Harry E. Wedeck. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 22, 1945), pp. 31-32
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More on Huge Quantities. E. Adelaide Hahn. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1945), pp. 555-556
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Izaak Walton and the Classics. Andrew Oliver. The Classical Weekly. (May 14, 1945), pp. 179-180
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Polybius, Philinus, and the First Punic War. F. W. Walbank. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1945), pp. 1-18
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Isocrates' Fellow-Rhetoricians. Stanley Wilcox. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 171-186
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Archaeology in Greece Today. Oscar Broneer. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 416-419
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A New Pelike by the Geras Painter. D. A. Amyx. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 508-518
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Hymns in the Horae Eboracenses (With Special Reference to the Praise of the Virgin). Ruth Ellis Messenger. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 15, 1945), pp. 90-95
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Remotum a Notitia Vulgari. Susan Savage. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 157-165
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Charops and Roman Policy in Epirus. H. H. Scullard. Journal of Roman Studies. (1945), pp. 58-64
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Epicurus, My Enemy. Hubert McNeill Poteat. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 9, 1945), pp. 155
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Erratum: The Pre-Caesarian Calender: Facts and Reasonable Guesses. Classical Journal. (May, 1945), pp. 497
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A School Virgil Society. Stella R. Pope. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 87-89
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We Want a Virgilian Peace. Berthold L. Ullman. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 1-3
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Archaeological News and Discussions. Stephen B. Luce, Richard Stillwell, David M. Robinson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 582-599
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An Illuminating Example of Homeopathic Magic. Eugene S. McCartney. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 15, 1945), pp. 21-22
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Serit Arbores. William C. McDermott. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1945), pp. 75
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Kritias and Herodes. H. T. Wade-Gery. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1945), pp. 19-33
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Holmes, Pollock, and the Classics. Edmund G. Berry. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 15, 1945), pp. 22-24
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Amykos and the Dioskouroi. Phyllis L. Williams. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 330-347
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The Learned Professions in the Theodosian Code. Eva Matthews Sanford. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1945), pp. 544-552
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Quo Vaditis?. Sidney P. Goodrich. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 15, 1945), pp. 96
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The Place of Latin in the Modern High School. Mark E. Hutchinson. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 1, 1945), pp. 4-6
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The Collectaneum of Hadoard. Charles H. Beeson. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1945), pp. 201-222
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More Thoughts on Post-Classical Latin. William H. Stahl. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 5, 1945), pp. 106-108
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The Community, Culture, and the Classics. Norman J. DeWitt. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 15, 1945), pp. 18-20
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St. Augustine's Use of the Classics. John J. Gavigan. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 26, 1945), pp. 50-53
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Epicurus and Leucippus. Norman W. DeWitt. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 9, 1945), pp. 155-157
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Notes on the Style and Vocabulary of Cassiodorus' Institutiones. Leslie Webber Jones. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1945), pp. 24-31
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An Analytic Definition of Liberal Education. Norman B. Johnson. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 12-15
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Mistaken Identity in War. Herbert Newell Couch. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 19-20
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Homer and Hector. John A. Scott. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 187-189
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Beating the Oaks; An Interpretation of Christ 678-9. Herbert Meritt. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 1-12
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The Monkeys of Archilochus. Friedrich Walter Lenz. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 34-49
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The Case of the Third Actor. Gerald F. Else. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 1-10
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On "Speaking with Tongues". J. Whatmough. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 26, 1945), pp. 123-125
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The First Age of Roman Coinage. H. Mattingly. Journal of Roman Studies. (1945), pp. 65-77
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On Segregation of the Sexes. Mars M. Westington. Classical Journal. (May, 1945), pp. 495-496
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What Is American History?. Nathan T. Steinlauf. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 7
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The Ancient and Modern Atom. Rosamund E. Deutsch. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1945), pp. 97-103
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Juvenal III, 184 f.. Isabel Dean Kadison. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1945), pp. 427-428
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Riddles and Problems from the Greek Anthology. E. S. Forster. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 42-47
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[The Indo-Hittite Laryngeals]: A Retort. G. Bonfante. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1945), pp. 116-121
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Three Mycenaean Vases from Cyprus in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Sara Anderson Immerwahr. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 534-556
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Excudent Alii. Van Johnson. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 15, 1945), pp. 95-96
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Alexander the Great and Parmenio. C. A. Robinson, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 422-424
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Pericles and His Colleagues between 441 and 429 B. C.. Victor Ehrenberg. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 113-134
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Swimmers in Warfare. H. N. Couch. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 29, 1945), pp. 34-35
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A Note on Propertius 2.3.22f.. S. Johnson. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 20-23
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Gleanings from Crete. Doro Levi. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 270-329
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Archaeological News and Discussions. Stephen B. Luce. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1945), pp. 159-179
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A Prize for Wool-Working. Marjorie J. Milne. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 528-533
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Notes on Vergil's Bucolics. E. L. Highbarger. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1945), pp. 43-45
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The Argives at Tanagra. Benjamin D. Meritt. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1945), pp. 134-147
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The Greek Heliocentric Theory and Its Abandonment. William Harris Stahl. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 321-332
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The Pagan Virtue of Megalopsychia in Byzantine Syria. Glanville Downey. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 279-286
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A Signet-Ring in the City Art Museum of St. Louis. George E. Mylonas. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 557-569
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The Formation of a Roman Style in Wall Painting. Alan M. G. Little. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1945), pp. 134-142
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A Comedy of Errors. Edward Coyle. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 22, 1945), pp. 98
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To the Question of Alleged Senecan Tragedies. Eric Fisher, Eric Fischer. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 5, 1945), pp. 108-109
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The Armor of Glaucus. William C. McDermott. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1945), pp. 125-126
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Aerarium and Fiscus during the Early Empire. C. H. V. Sutherland. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 151-170
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The Sarmatae, Bremetennacvm Veteranorvm and the Regio Bremetennacensis. I. A. Richmond. Journal of Roman Studies. (1945), pp. 15-29
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Aristophanes, Frogs, 1435-53. R. E. Wycherley. Classical Review. (Dec., 1945), pp. 34-38
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Plato and Poetry. Thomas Shearer Duncan. Classical Journal. (May, 1945), pp. 481-494
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In Defense of Aristotle. Herbert Edward Mierow. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1945), pp. 122-124
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Defending Small Classes. A. M. Withers. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 8, 1945), pp. 84-85
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Vergil and War in the "Aeneid". George E. Duckworth. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1945), pp. 104-107
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Isidorus the Cynic and Nero. Robert Samuel Rogers. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 26, 1945), pp. 53-54
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A Literary Echo of the Declamations. Charles Sanford Rayment. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1945), pp. 124-125
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ΤΕΡΘΡΕΙΑ. L. J. D. Richardson. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1945), pp. 59-62
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Plato, Hippocrates, and the Menon Papyrus. Fritz Steckerl. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1945), pp. 166-180
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The Question of Tribute in 449/8 B. C.. H. T. Wade-Gery. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 212-229
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The Constitution of the Athenians. Robert C. Horn. The Classical Weekly. (May 14, 1945), pp. 182-183
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Rhosica Vasa. Frances Follin Jones. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1945), pp. 45-51
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Horatiana. A. Y. Campbell. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1945), pp. 113-118
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The Girl beneath the Apple Tree. Karl Lehmann. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 430-433
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Classical Mythology in the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus. John L. Heller. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 333-357
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A Note on the Rhesus. S. H. Steadman. Classical Review. (May, 1945), pp. 6-8
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The Alphabet in Italy. Rhys Carpenter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 452-464
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The 'Meliores Annos' of the Elder Seneca. A. Fred Sochatoff. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 10, 1945), pp. 70-71
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A Roman Poet Visits a Museum. Karl Lehmann. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 259-269
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The Kiss in Roman Law. Nathan T. Steinlauf. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 24+37
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Early Hellenic Pottery of Crete. Doro Levi. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1945), pp. 1-32
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Caesar and the Channel Tides. S. L. Mohler. The Classical Weekly. (May 21, 1945), pp. 189-191
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Galen the Physician as Physiognomist. Elizabeth C. Evans. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 287-298
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The Zeus Ithomatas of Ageladas. C. A. Robinson, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1945), pp. 121-127
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ΝΟΥΣ, Noein, and Their Derivatives in Pre-Socratic Philosophy (Excluding Anaxagoras): Part I. From the Beginnings to Parmenides. Kurt von Fritz. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1945), pp. 223-242
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The Identity of the Ruler. Rhys Carpenter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 353-357
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A Thirteenth Century Formula of Anathema. Clyde Pharr. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 135-150
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Ἁμαρτία Again. Philip Whaley Harsh. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 47-58
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Skeletal Material from Attica. J. Lawrence Angel. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 279-363
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Διπλῆ, διποδία, διποδισμό 03C2; in the Greek Dance. Lillian B. Lawler. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 59-73
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On Iliad i. 116 f.. Pearl Cleveland Wilson. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1945), pp. 45-47
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The Hymn to Demeter. George E. Mylonas. The Classical Weekly. (May 14, 1945), pp. 180-182
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Procession Personified. Otto Brendel. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 519-525
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The Experimental Background of the Problem of Learning. Albert Rapp. Classical Journal. (May, 1945), pp. 467-480
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Some Certain or Possible Examples of Literary Reminiscence in Tacitus. G. B. A. Fletcher. Classical Review. (Dec., 1945), pp. 45-50
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"Sailing to Byzantium". James A. Notopoulos. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1945), pp. 78-79
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Bellum Philippicum: Some Roman and Greek Views concerning the Causes of the Second Macedonian War. Elias J. Bickerman. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1945), pp. 137-148
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The Servian Reforms. Hugh Last. Journal of Roman Studies. (1945), pp. 30-48
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Original Hellenistic Paintings in a Thracian Tomb (Excerpted from the Italian by Rhys Carpenter). Carlo Verdiani. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 402-415
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Priene and Modern Planning. R. E. Wycherley. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1945), pp. 12-16
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The Brygos Tomb at Capua. J. D. Beazley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1945), pp. 153-158
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The Words for 'Love' in John XXI.15ff. John A. Scott. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 10, 1945), pp. 71-72
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Representation and Democracy in Hellenistic Federalism. J. A. O. Larsen. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1945), pp. 65-97
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Seaborne Raids in Periclean Strategy. H. D. Westlake. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1945), pp. 75-84
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The ἈΝΕΞΕΤΑΣΤΟΣ ΒΙΟΣ in Plato. R. Hackforth. Classical Review. (May, 1945), pp. 1-4
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The Locrian Maidens and the Date of Lycophron's Alexandra. Arnoldo Momigliano. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1945), pp. 49-53
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Horsemen from Sardis. George M. A. Hanfmann. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 570-581
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Charon the Portitor. O. J. Todd. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1945), pp. 243-247
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Sir Henry Stuart Jones: A Bibliographical Addendum. R.P. Wright. Journal of Roman Studies. (1945), pp. 78
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Administration of Justice in Boeotia. Robert J. Bonner, Gertrude Smith. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1945), pp. 11-23
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Pliny on the Smaragdus. J. W. Meadows. Classical Review. (Dec., 1945), pp. 50-51
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A Note on Messenian Economy and Population. Carl Roebuck. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1945), pp. 149-165
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The Text and Interpretation of the Theodosian Code, 6, 4, 21. Clyde Pharr. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 50-58
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A Request for Further Information. Edgar H. Sturtevani. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 23, 1945), pp. 172-173
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The Numquid Vis Formula in Roman Comedy. John N. Hough. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 282-302
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Brief Notes on "The Vernacular Proverb in Mediaeval Latin Prose". W. A. Oldfather. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 310-312
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The Economic Policy of Solon. J. G. Milne. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 230-245
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Horace, Odes, 1. 28. 7-9. J. G. Griffith. Classical Review. (Dec., 1945), pp. 44-45
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A Definitive Note on the Enthymeme. Solomon Simonson. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 303-306
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Attic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century. Benjamin D. Meritt. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1945), pp. 61-133
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Gandhara and Early Christian Art: Buddha Palliatus. Benjamin Rowland, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 445-448
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Note on the Interpretation of the Ficoroni Cista. Phyllis L. Williams. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1945), pp. 348-352
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The Text of the Categoriae: The Latin Tradition. L. Minio-Paluello. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1945), pp. 63-74
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The Roof of the Mycenaean Megaron. Carl W. Blegen. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1945), pp. 35-44
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Tiberius' Travels, A.D. 26-37. Robert Samuel Rogers. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 12, 1945), pp. 42-44
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Pike and Eel: Juvenal 5, 103-6. A. Y. Campbell. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1945), pp. 46-48
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The Text of Gratian's Decretum II, 32, 4, 5. Clyde Pharr. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 255-265
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The Genitive Absolute in Latin. Edward L. Bassett. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1945), pp. 108-114
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The Use of Stage Business to Portray Emotion in Greek Tragedy. Famee Lorene Shisler. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 377-397
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Phalaris' Bull in Timaeus (Diod. Sic. xiii. 90. 4-7). F. W. Walbank. Classical Review. (Dec., 1945), pp. 39-42
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ὌΝΟΣ: ἌΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ. D'Arcy W. Thompson. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1945), pp. 54-55
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Colloquial Expressions in Aeschylus and Sophocles. P. T. Stevens. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1945), pp. 95-105
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The Golden Bough of Plato. Agnes Kirsopp Michels. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 59-63
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Graeco-Egyptian Masks and Portraits in the Royal Ontario Museum. Mary McCrimmon. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1945), pp. 52-61
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The Wheel and the Crown. George Thomson. Classical Review. (May, 1945), pp. 9-10
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Athenian Politics, 510-486 B. C.. C. A. Robinson, Jr.. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 243-254
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Comanus "Of the First Friends". Friedrich Solmsen. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1945), pp. 115-116
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Spitzer's Grail Etymology. William A. Nitze. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 279-281
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