xenophon, sparta, spartan, pausanias, spartans, hell, lysander, agesilaus, plutarch, hellenica, king, cyrus, agis, helots, plut, spartiates, diodorus, ephors, cleomenes, kings, rhetra, anabasis, herodotus, paus, clearchus, messenia, messenians, messenian, agesilaos, ephoros, cartledge, tyrtaios, lycurgus, tissaphernes, diodoros, spartiate, diod, tyrtaeus, thucydides, battle, leotychidas, lykourgos, thuc, aristomenes, mantineia, elis, perioeci, tegea, theramenes, menon
Notes from the Greek Seminary. B. L. Gildersleeve. American Journal of Philology. (1882), pp. 193-205
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On a Probable Error in Plutarch. C. D. Morris. American Journal of Philology. (1882), pp. 456-460
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