line, letters, lines, inscription, letter, stone, text, name, space, fragment, reading, column, stroke, vertical, word, inscribed, beginning, alpha, sigma, iota, horizontal, epsilon, names, strokes, bottom, written, followed, lower, visible, upper, follows, restore, restorations, fragments, lettering, edge, reads, forms, spaces, instead, correct, omicron, length, spacing, lacuna, margin, short, squeeze, columns, dotted
Archaic Inscriptions from Crete. E. S. Roberts. Classical Review. (Feb., 1888), pp. 9-12
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Notes on the Homeric Genitive (Continued). Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Apr., 1888), pp. 99-102
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The Recent Excavation at Paphos. David G. Hogarth, C. S.. Classical Review. (Jun., 1888), pp. 186-188
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Appendix: Proceedings of Twentieth Annual Session, Amherst, 1888. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1888), pp. i+iii-lx
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Telmessos. Jane E. Harrison. Classical Review. (Jul., 1888), pp. 234-235
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The "Continued Allegory" in the First Book of the Faery Queene. J. Ernest Whitney. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1888), pp. 40-69
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The So-Called Asiatic Terra-Cotta Groups (Continued). Salomon Reinach. Classical Review. (May, 1888), pp. 153-155
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The Origin of the Recessive Accent in Greek. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1888), pp. 1-41
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Additional Note and Corrections to the Article Entitled 'The Origin of the Recessive Accent in Greek. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1888), pp. 220
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On Certain Corruptions in the Persae of Aeschylus. A. E. Housman. American Journal of Philology. (1888), pp. 317-325
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