line, letters, lines, inscription, letter, stone, text, name, space, fragment, reading, column, stroke, vertical, word, inscribed, beginning, alpha, sigma, iota, horizontal, epsilon, names, strokes, bottom, written, followed, lower, visible, upper, follows, restore, restorations, fragments, lettering, edge, reads, forms, spaces, instead, correct, omicron, length, spacing, lacuna, margin, short, squeeze, columns, dotted
Graffiti, Wine Selling, and the Reuse of Amphoras in the Athenian Agora, CA. 430 to 400 B.C.. Mark L. Lawall. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 2000), pp. 3-90
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A New Latin and Greek Inscription from Corinth. Michael D. Dixon. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 2000), pp. 335-342
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Memory, Money, and Status at Misenum: Three New Inscriptions from the Collegium of the Augustales. J. H. D'Arms. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 126-144
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The Introduction to Diogenes of Oinoanda's "Physics". Martin Ferguson Smith. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 238-246
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Toward a Sociology of Reading in Classical Antiquity. William A. Johnson. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2000), pp. 593-627
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The Athenian Treaties with Troizen and Hermione. Harold B. Mattingly. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 2000), pp. 131-140
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Athenian Politicians and Inscriptions of the Years 307 to 302. Stephen V. Tracy. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 2000), pp. 227-233
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A Personal Letter Found in the Athenian Agora. David R. Jordan. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 2000), pp. 91-103
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The Life and Death of Cornelius Tacitus. Anthony R. Birley. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 2000), pp. 230-247
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Sulla and the Monuments: Studies in His Public Persona. Christopher S. Mackay. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 2000), pp. 161-210
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Inscribed Silver Vessels of the Odrysian Kings: Gifts, Tribute, and the Diffusion of the Forms of "Achaemenid" Metalware in Thrace. Antigoni Zournatzi. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 2000), pp. 683-706
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Observations on a Byzantine Manuscript in Harvard College Library. John Duffy, Dimiter G. Angelov. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 501-514
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Nero Speaking. Christopher Jones. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 453-462
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The Sacred Area at Gorsium (Pannonia Inferior). Duncan Fishwick. The Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 2000), pp. 309-331
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On Persian-Type Furniture in Macedonia: The Recognition and Transmission of Forms. Stavros A. Paspalas. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 2000), pp. 531-560
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The Writing in (And of) Ovid's Byblis Episode. Thomas E. Jenkins. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 439-451
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The Sardis Campaigns of 1996, 1997, and 1998. Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr., Marcus L. Rautman. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 2000), pp. 643-681
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Wholly Hypothetical Syllogisms. Susanne Bobzien. Phronesis. (May, 2000), pp. 87-137
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Ritual, Myth, Doctrine, and Initiation in the Mysteries of Mithras: New Evidence from a Cult Vessel. Roger Beck. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 145-180
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The Epigraphy of Hellenistic Asia Minor: A Survey of Recent Research (1992-1999). John Ma. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 2000), pp. 95-121
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The Placement of "Book Divisions" in the Odyssey. Bruce Heiden. Classical Philology. (Jul., 2000), pp. 247-259
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Shifting Helen: An Interpretation of Sappho, Fragment 16 (Voigt). Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 1-6
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The List of the War Dead in Aeschylus' "Persians". Mary Ebbott. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 83-96
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Cosmic Distances: "Aëtius" 2.31 Diels and Some Related Texts. Jaap Mansfeld. Phronesis. (Aug., 2000), pp. 175-204
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Iuppiter Dolichenus, Hercules and Volcanus in Balaclava. Jerzy Linderski. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 2000), pp. 128-129
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The Thracian Camp and the Fourth Actor at Rhesus 565-691. Luigi Battezzato. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 367-373
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Aristotle, Speusippus, and the Method of Division. Andrea Falcon. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 402-414
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The 101st Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 2000), pp. 311-317+319-371
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Well-Read Heroes Quoting the Aetia in "Aeneid 8". Michael A. Tueller. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 361-380
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Aristotle on Improving One's Character. Gianluca Di Muzio. Phronesis. (Aug., 2000), pp. 205-219
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The Inauguration of Lentulus Niger. Patrick Tansey. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2000), pp. 237-258
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Aspirations and Divagations: The Poetics of Place in Propertius 2.10. W. Jeffrey Tatum. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (2000), pp. 393-410
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The Date of Bendis' Entry into Attica. Christopher Planeaux. Classical Journal. (Dec., 2000 - Jan., 2001), pp. 165-192
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Why the Order of the Figures of the Hypothetical Syllogisms Was Changed. Susanne Bobzien. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 247-251
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Hylas and Silva: Etymological Wordplay in Propertius 1.20. David Petrain. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 409-421
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Lysimachus, the Getae, and Archaeology. P. Delev. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 384-401
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A Sophistic Prefect: Anatolius of Berytus in the Letters of Libanius. Scott Bradbury. Classical Philology. (Apr., 2000), pp. 172-186
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Policing Public Debtors in Classical Athens. Virginia Hunter. The Phoenix. (Spring - Summer, 2000), pp. 21-38
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Darius III. E. Badian. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 241-267
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Uncanonical Imperial Portraits in the Eastern Roman Provinces: The Case of the Kanellopoulos Emperor. Lee Ann Riccardi. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 2000), pp. 105-132
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'To Make a New Thermopylae': Hellenism, Greek Liberation, and the Battle of Thermopylae. Ian Macgregor Morris. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 2000), pp. 211-230
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The Testamentary Phenomenon in Ancient Rome. Yaakov Stern. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 2000), pp. 413-428
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The "Notitia Dignitatum" as a Historical Source. Michael Kulikowski. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 2000), pp. 358-377
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The Face of Roman Battle. Philip Sabin. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 1-17
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The Cypria, the Iliad, and the Problem of Multiformity in Oral and Written Tradition. Margalit Finkelberg. Classical Philology. (Jan., 2000), pp. 1-11
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Iliad and Aethiopis on the Stage: Aeschylus and Son. M. L. West. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 338-352
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The Prehistoric Remains of the Acropolis at Halieis: A Final Report. Daniel J. Pullen. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 2000), pp. 133-187
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The Sicilian Expedition Was a Potemkin Fleet. B. Jordan. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 63-79
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Building Trajan's Markets 2: The Construction Process. Lynne Lancaster. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 2000), pp. 755-785
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An Interpretation of Plato's "Cratylus". Simon Keller. Phronesis. (Nov., 2000), pp. 284-305
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Handouts at Dinner. W. J. Slater. The Phoenix. (Spring - Summer, 2000), pp. 107-122
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Building Z at Kommos: An 8th-Century Pottery Sequence. Alan W. Johnston. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 2000), pp. 189-226
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Epicurus and Lucretius on Saving Agency. Daniel C. Russell. The Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 2000), pp. 226-243
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Plautus' "Amphitruo": Three Problems. Zeph Stewart. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 293-299
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Musai Hypophetores: Apollonius of Rhodes on Inspiration and Interpretation. José M. González. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 268-292
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A Trope by Any Other Name: "Polysemy," Ambiguity, and Significatio in Virgil. Richard F. Thomas. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 381-407
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Envisaging the Body of the Condemned: The Power of Platonic Symbols. Danielle S. Allen. Classical Philology. (Apr., 2000), pp. 133-150
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Material Consequences of Contemporary Classical Collecting. Christopher Chippindale, David W. J. Gill. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 2000), pp. 463-511
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Hermann Diels on the Presocratics: Empedocles' Double Destruction of the Cosmos ("Aetius" II 4.8). Denis O'Brien. Phronesis. (Feb., 2000), pp. 1-18
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Alkmeonid "Homelands," Political Exile, and the Unification of Attica. Greg Anderson. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 2000), pp. 387-412
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Missio at Halicarnassus. Kathleen Coleman. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 487-500
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The Chora of Chersonesos in Crimea, Ukraine. Joseph Coleman Carter, Melba Crawford, Paul Lehman, Galina Nikolaenko, Jessica Trelogan. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 2000), pp. 707-741
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Back in the Cave of the Cyclops. Pura Nieto Hernández. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 2000), pp. 345-366
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The Philistine Settlement as Mercantile Phenomenon?. Tristan J. Barako. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 2000), pp. 513-530
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Portraits, Power, and Patronage in the Late Roman Republic. Jeremy Tanner. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 18-50
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Arsinoe's Adonis and the Poetics of Ptolemaic Imperialism. Joseph D. Reed. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (2000), pp. 319-351
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Όχεῖα, Mules, and Animal Husbandry in a Prometheus Play: Amending LSJ and Unemending Aeschylus fr. 189a R. F. E. Romer. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (2000), pp. 67-87
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Royal Authority and City Law under Alexander and His Hellenistic Successors. James L. O'Neil. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 424-431
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The Itinerarium Burdigalense: Politics and Salvation in the Geography of Constantine's Empire. Jaś Elsner. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 181-195
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Corinthian Terracotta Sculpture and the Temple of Apollo. Nancy Bookidis. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 2000), pp. 381-452
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Egnatius' Dental Fricatives (Catullus 39.20). Joshua T. Katz. Classical Philology. (Jul., 2000), pp. 338-348
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A Suppliant at Gerasa. Kent J. Rigsby. The Phoenix. (Spring - Summer, 2000), pp. 99-106
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The Clemency of Sulla. Melissa Barden Dowling. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 2000), pp. 303-340
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