verse, accent, syllable, foot, words, word, metrical, syllables, latin, short, caesura, rhythm, line, ictus, hexameter, elision, hiatus, feet, lines, verses, iambic, prose, pause, quantity, metre, position, stress, fourth, forms, trochaic, dactylic, fifth, scansion, thesis, rule, arsis, accentual, poets, ending, quantitative, accentuation, accented, diaeresis, dactyl, monosyllables, monosyllable, pentameter, hexameters, vowel, saturnian
Rhythmic Accent in Ancient Verse: A Reply. Charles E. Bennett. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 412-428
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Comment on Professor Bennett's Reply. G. L. Hendrickson. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 429-434
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Notes on the Tone-Theory. L. D. Barnett. Classical Review. (May, 1899), pp. 208-209
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Metrical Passages in Suetonius. Albert A. Howard. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1899), pp. 23-28
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Sidney Lanier and Anglo-Saxon Verse-Technic. John Morris. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 435-438
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On the New Fragments of Juvenal. J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (May, 1899), pp. 206-208
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On a Petersburg MS. of the Septuagint. A. E. Brooke, N. McLean. Classical Review. (May, 1899), pp. 209-211
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Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Session of the American Philological Association Held in New York City, July, 1899. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1899), pp. i-cxxii
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Notes on Lewis and Short's Latin-English Lexicon. Alex. Leeper. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 169-185
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Antiochia Chrysaoris. W. R. Paton. Classical Review. (Jul., 1899), pp. 319-321
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Notes on Greek Comic Fragments. H. Richards. Classical Review. (Apr., 1899), pp. 148-150
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The Scepticism and Fatalism of the Common People of Rome as Illustrated by the Sepulchral Inscriptions. Albert Granger Harkness. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1899), pp. 56-88
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Sophoclea. Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Apr., 1899), pp. 147-148
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On Horace, 'Epodes' IX. 17. J. Gow. Classical Review. (Dec., 1899), pp. 461
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The Torch Race of Bendis. Cecil Smith. Classical Review. (May, 1899), pp. 230-232
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Archaeological Discussions. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1899), pp. 595-655
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Query. The Gentile Name Lysiensis. E. Barclay Smith. Classical Review. (Dec., 1899), pp. 461
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On Cicero, Cato Maior, ยง 28. J. A. Nairn. Classical Review. (Dec., 1899), pp. 461
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Sundry Recent Works in English Philology. J. M. Garnett. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 442-444
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On the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Vol. II. Arthur Platt, J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (Dec., 1899), pp. 439-441
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Archaeological News. Harold N. Fowler. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1899), pp. 507-594
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Homerica (IV.) OD. 1. 261-4, and 5. 543. T. L. Agar. Classical Review. (May, 1899), pp. 194-195
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