verse, accent, syllable, foot, words, word, metrical, syllables, latin, short, caesura, rhythm, line, ictus, hexameter, elision, hiatus, feet, lines, verses, iambic, prose, pause, quantity, metre, position, stress, fourth, forms, trochaic, dactylic, fifth, scansion, thesis, rule, arsis, accentual, poets, ending, quantitative, accentuation, accented, diaeresis, dactyl, monosyllables, monosyllable, pentameter, hexameters, vowel, saturnian
The Translation of Beowulf, and the Relations of Ancient and Modern English Verse. Francis B. Gummere. American Journal of Philology. (1886), pp. 46-78
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Pseudo-Ionism in the Second Century A. D.. Francis G. Allinson. American Journal of Philology. (1886), pp. 203-217
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Vowel-Length in Old English. Albert S. Cook. American Journal of Philology. (1886), pp. 79-81
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The Ao Naga Language of Southern Assam. John Avery. American Journal of Philology. (1886), pp. 344-366
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Corrections of the Text of Parthenius: Peri Erwtikwn Paqhmatwn. Robinson Ellis. American Journal of Philology. (1886), pp. 224-227
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List of Amended Spellings. F. A. March. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1886), pp. 127-149
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A Passage in the Anglo-Saxon Poem "The Ruin," Critically Discussed. J. H. Kirkland. American Journal of Philology. (1886), pp. 367-369
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