plautus, play, menander, terence, scene, plays, comedy, slave, characters, audience, stage, plautine, scenes, action, prologue, comic, plot, house, monologue, new_comedy, girl, dramatic, phormio, chremes, thais, pseudolus, dialogue, lines, micio, soldier, aeschinus, miles, slaves, exit, role, bacchis, amphitruo, syrus, demea, senex, parmeno, comedies, entrance, dyskolos, fraenkel, on_stage, miniatures, phaedria, andria, parasite
The Dramatic Art of Menander. C. R. Post. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1913), pp. 111-145
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The Plot of the Querolus and the Folk-Tales of Disguised Treasure. Dean P. Lockwood. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1913), pp. 215-232
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The Composition of the Rudens of Plautus. Cornelia Catlin Coulter. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1913), pp. 57-64
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The Amphitruo of Plautus. Henry W. Prescott. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1913), pp. 14-22
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Some Passages in Menander. Francis G. Allinson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1913), pp. 65-76
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Menander's Arbitrants. Charles H. Weller. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1913), pp. 275-280
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Horace's View of the Relations between Satire and Comedy. H. Rushton Fairclough. American Journal of Philology. (1913), pp. 183-193
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Notes on Plavtvs [Notes on Plautus]. W. M. Lindsay. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1913), pp. 1-11
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The Site of Dramatic Performances at Rome in the Times of Plautus and Terence. Catharine Saunders. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1913), pp. 87-97
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Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at Cambridge, Mass., December, 1913 Also of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, California November, 1913 And of a Special Meeting of the Latter Held at Berkeley, California April, 1913. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1913), pp. i-cxxvi
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Juraiuranda et Personae Menandreae. F. Warren Wright. Classical Review. (Mar., 1913), pp. 52
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Enclitics at the Caesura. J. U. Powell. Classical Review. (Mar., 1913), pp. 52
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A Note on the Poetical Use of the Gerundive. C. H. Broadbent. Classical Review. (Mar., 1913), pp. 52-53
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A Greek Proverb. Herbert W. Greene. Classical Review. (Mar., 1913), pp. 51-52
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A Working Library for Students of the Classics: Introductory Note. R. W. Husband. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 6, 1913), pp. 58-64
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An Old-Time Epistle: Or Religion in the Times of Plautus and Terence. Arthur Patch McKinlay. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 8, 1913), pp. 138-141
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The Accusative of Exclamation in Epistolary Latin. Roy C. Flickinger. American Journal of Philology. (1913), pp. 276-299
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Catvlliana [Catulliana]. D. A. Slater. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1913), pp. 122-128
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Lucilius: The Ars Poetica of Horace, and Persius. George Converse Fiske. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1913), pp. 1-36
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The Future Periphrastic in Latin. R. B. Steele. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1913), pp. 457-476
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[Editorial: Accessible Books Relating to Greek and Latin Manuscripts]. Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (May 3, 1913), pp. 193-194
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The Narrow 'Vocational' Teaching of the Classics. Dean P. Lockwood. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 15, 1913), pp. 44-46
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Plavtvs, Bacchides 107. [Plautus, Bacchides 107]. Louis Havet. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1913), pp. 120-121
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The Story of the Strix: Ancient. Samuel Grant Oliphant. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1913), pp. 133-149
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Note on Satyros, Life of Euripides, Oxyr. Pap. 9, 157-8. Kirby Flower Smith. American Journal of Philology. (1913), pp. 62-73
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Grotesques and the Mime. Gisela M. A. Richter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1913), pp. 149-156
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Greek Inscriptions from Sardes III, Honorific Inscriptions. W. H. Buckler, David M. Robinson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1913), pp. 353-370
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Catullus Carmen 2. Edwin W. Fay. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1913), pp. 301-309
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