plautus, play, menander, terence, scene, plays, comedy, slave, characters, audience, stage, plautine, scenes, action, prologue, comic, plot, house, monologue, new_comedy, girl, dramatic, phormio, chremes, thais, pseudolus, dialogue, lines, micio, soldier, aeschinus, miles, slaves, exit, role, bacchis, amphitruo, syrus, demea, senex, parmeno, comedies, entrance, dyskolos, fraenkel, on_stage, miniatures, phaedria, andria, parasite
Plautus: The Other Nineteen Plays. George E. Duckworth. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 15, 1947), pp. 82-91
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Some Stage Conventions in the Classics, or How to Start the Wheels Turning. M. Andrewes. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1947), pp. 29-38
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Menander at the Sabine Farm, Exemplar vitae. Elizabeth Hazelton Haight. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1947), pp. 147-155
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Terence's Use of Greek Words. John N. Hough. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 20, 1947), pp. 18-21
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Menander's Heros 55-97. A. W. Gomme. Classical Review. (Dec., 1947), pp. 72-74
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The Negro in Classical Italy. Frank M. Snowden, Jr.. American Journal of Philology. (1947), pp. 266-292
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Aeschylus, Agam. 1630. D. A. Rees. Classical Review. (Dec., 1947), pp. 74
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The ΜΕΛΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΣΚΗΝΗΣ in Sophocles' Trachiniae (ll. 1004-1043). A. H. Coxon. Classical Review. (Dec., 1947), pp. 69-72
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Servitium amoris in the Roman Elegists. Frank Olin Copley. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 285-300
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The Emperor's Divine Comes. Arthur Darby Nock. Journal of Roman Studies. (1947), pp. 102-116
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The Type Calefacio. E. Adelaide Hahn. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1947), pp. 301-335
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Catullus X: A Rambling Commentary. W. B. Sedgwick. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1947), pp. 108-114
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War-Time Productivity in Italy. A. W. van Buren. American Journal of Philology. (1947), pp. 1-20
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