towns, taxation, town, andreia, assessment, commodity, palace, e-sa-re-wi-ja, heyne, mazon, ti-mi-to-a-ke-e, e-ra-te-re-we, subgroup, a-te-re-wi-ja, choros, karika, ra-wa-ra-ta2, assessed, ro-u-so, giseke, murray, pe-to-no, sa-ma-ra, a-ke-re-wa, tax-contributor, taxed, me-ta-pa, tax-contributors, andreios, ka-ra-do-ro, tablets, za-ma-e-wi-ja, assessments, reduction, commodities, kdrikd, linga, purusa, delebecque, subgroups, upanisad, contributor, liters, hesis, hither, keleusma, jn829, ri-jo, equals, pa-ki-ja-pi
Comment on "Heroides and Amores". Grant Showerman. Classical Review. (Nov., 1917), pp. 183-184
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Deigma, a First Greek Book. R. S. Conway. Classical Review. (Nov., 1917), pp. 183
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Greek in Scotland. John Burnet, J. Harrower. Classical Review. (Nov., 1917), pp. 182-183
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The Homeric Hymns. IX. T. L. Agar. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1917), pp. 117-120
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Paulus Silentiarius. Basil L. Gildersleeve. American Journal of Philology. (1917), pp. 42-72
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Studies in Greek Noun-Formation: Dental Terminations I. 2. Carl D. Buck. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1917), pp. 173-189
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Tigranocerta. T. Rice Holmes. Journal of Roman Studies. (1917), pp. 120-138
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Notes on the Delphic Oracle and Greek Colonization. Arthur Stanley Pease. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1917), pp. 1-20
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Demosthenes' Avoidance of Breves. Charles D. Adams. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1917), pp. 271-294
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