leases, property, lease, lessee, mines, owner, mine, sounion, properties, registrant, salaminioi, stele, crosby, laureion, mining, renter, sub-unit, guarantor, attica, private, column, thorikos, astyphilos, drachmai, iota, face, anas, hagnias, margaret, dicaeogenes, named, house, leased, porthmos, boundaries, temenos, trierarch, workshop, chorion, oikia, heptaphylai, retained, stelai, edaphe, father, sacred, rent, walbank, skiras, besa
When Is a Sale Not a Sale? The Riddle of Athenian Terminology for Real Security Revisited. Edward M. Harris. Classical Quarterly. (1988), pp. 351-381
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From ΠΛeoneΞia to ΠoΛyΠpaΓmoΣynh: A Conflation of Possession and Action in Plato's Republic. John Gutglueck. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1988), pp. 20-39
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Ancient Political Factions: Boiotia 404 to 395. Margaret Cook. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1988), pp. 57-85
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Phaethon in Ovid and Nonnus. Peter E. Knox. Classical Quarterly. (1988), pp. 536-551
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The Theorodokoi of the Nemean Games. Stephen G. Miller. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1988), pp. 147-163
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The Meaning of the Terms Limes and Limitanei. Benjamin Isaac. Journal of Roman Studies. (1988), pp. 125-147
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