leases, property, lease, lessee, mines, owner, mine, sounion, properties, registrant, salaminioi, stele, crosby, laureion, mining, renter, sub-unit, guarantor, attica, private, column, thorikos, astyphilos, drachmai, iota, face, anas, hagnias, margaret, dicaeogenes, named, house, leased, porthmos, boundaries, temenos, trierarch, workshop, chorion, oikia, heptaphylai, retained, stelai, edaphe, father, sacred, rent, walbank, skiras, besa
The Oikos in Athenian Law. Douglas M. MacDowell. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 10-21
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Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora. Michael B. Walbank. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1989), pp. 71-98
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Household, Gender and Property in Classical Athens. Lin Foxhall. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 22-44
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Relations between Rome and the German 'Kings' on the Middle Danube in the First to Fourth Centuries A.D.. Lynn F. Pitts. Journal of Roman Studies. (1989), pp. 45-58
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Alcibiades on Stage: Aristophanes' "Birds". Michael Vickers. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1989), pp. 267-299
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Incest, Inheritance and the Political Forum in Fifth-Century Athens. Cheryl Anne Cox. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1989), pp. 34-46
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A Note on [Lysias] 6, against Andokides. W. D. Furley. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 550-553
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Chrysippus and the "Placita". Jaap Mansfeld. Phronesis. (1989), pp. 311-342
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The Export of Slaves from Colchis. D. C. Braund, G. R. Tsetskhladze. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 114-125
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A Reconstruction of the Temple of Nemesis at Rhamnous. Margaret M. Miles. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1989), pp. 133-249
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The Phratry from Paiania. Charles W. Hedrick, Jr.. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 126-135
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Comparative Worth in Aristotle's "Protrepticus". Michael Haslam. Phronesis. (1989), pp. 109-110
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