aristotle, tragedy, poetics, tragic, poetry, plot, pity, comedy, drama, action, poet, imitation, fear, characters, emotions, mimesis, catharsis, dramatic, definition, moral, aristotelian, audience, else, chapter, bywater, pleasure, hamartia, pathos, play, poets, recognition, ethos, kind, emotion, events, fortune, katharsis, plots, emotional, epic, effect, ethical, sense, hero, oedipus, peripeteia, halliwell, gudeman, aesthetic, greek_tragedy
Notes on Aristotle, Poetics 13 and 14. John Moles. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 77-94
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The Influence of Rhetoric on Fourth-Century Tragedy. Georgia Xanthakis-Karamanos. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 66-76
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The Date of the "Trachiniae". T. F. Hoey. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1979), pp. 210-232
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Homer Studies 1971-1977. James P. Holoka. The Classical World. (Oct., 1979), pp. 65-150
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Horace on Satyr Drama. Joan Plotnick. The Classical World. (Mar., 1979), pp. 329-335
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New Comedy, Callimachus, and Roman Poetry. Richard F. Thomas. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1979), pp. 179-206
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'Hybris' and Dishonour: II. N. R. E. Fisher. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1979), pp. 32-47
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The Ethica Digressio and Cicero's Pro Milone: A Progression of Intensity from Logos to Ethos to Pathos. James M. May. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1979), pp. 240-246
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Seneca's HF: A Politico-Didactic Reading. Amy Rose. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1979 - Jan., 1980), pp. 135-142
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A Misunderstood Scene in Sophokles, 'Oidipous (O. T. 300--462)'. David Bain. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1979), pp. 132-145
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Philokleon Ithyphallos: Dance, Costume and Character in the Wasps. W. Thomas MacCary. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1979), pp. 137-147
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The "Unfair Fight": A Significant Motif in the Aeneid. Emily A. McDermott. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1979 - Jan., 1980), pp. 153-155
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Epic and Burlesque in Ovid, Met. viii. 260ff.. Nicholas Horsfall. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1979), pp. 319-332
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Public and Private in Three Plays of Euripides. George B. Walsh. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1979), pp. 294-309
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Two Disputed Passages in the Heroides. E. J. Kenney. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 394-431
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More on Aristotelian Epagoge. T. Engberg-Pedersen. Phronesis. (1979), pp. 301-319
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Political Intrigue during the Reigns of the Western Roman Emperors Avitus and Majorian. Gerald E. Max. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1979), pp. 225-237
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