symmachus, ausonius, theodosius, plre, seeck, ammianus, libanius, valentinian, comes, sidonius, gratian, epist, gaul, maximus, prefecture, theod, office, prefect, emperor, constantius, chastagnol, paulinus, flavianus, fourth_century, eugenius, notitia, consul, merobaudes, magister, letter, rufinus, letters, probus, albinus, julian, western, praetorian_prefect, aetius, constantinople, career, master, africa, roman_empire, addressed, schola, matthews, symm, bordeaux, nicomachus_flavianus, notitia_dignitatum
On the Date of Pliny's Prefecture of the Treasury of Saturn. Elmer Truesdell Merrill. American Journal of Philology. (1902), pp. 400-412
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Latin and the University of Birmingham. E. A. Sonnenschein. Classical Review. (Oct., 1902), pp. 364-365
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Fragments of an Early Christian Liturgy in Syrian Inscriptions. W. K. Prentice. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1902), pp. 81-100
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Pierre D'urte and the Bask Language. Edward Spencer Dodgson. American Journal of Philology. (1902), pp. 151-184
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On Horace, Odes II. 17 and I. 20. Ernest Ensor. Classical Review. (May, 1902), pp. 209-211
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