symmachus, ausonius, theodosius, plre, seeck, ammianus, libanius, valentinian, comes, sidonius, gratian, epist, gaul, maximus, prefecture, theod, office, prefect, emperor, constantius, chastagnol, paulinus, flavianus, fourth_century, eugenius, notitia, consul, merobaudes, magister, letter, rufinus, letters, probus, albinus, julian, western, praetorian_prefect, aetius, constantinople, career, master, africa, roman_empire, addressed, schola, matthews, symm, bordeaux, nicomachus_flavianus, notitia_dignitatum
Some Addenda to "PLRE". David Woods. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1993), pp. 122-125
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Rusticus: ein gemeinsamer Freund von Athaulf und Hieronymus?. Stefan Rebenich. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1993), pp. 118-122
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Principes cum Tyrannis: Two Studies on the Kaisergeschichte and Its Tradition. R. W. Burgess. Classical Quarterly. (1993), pp. 491-500
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The Evidence for the Conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity in Book 16 of the "Theodosian Code". Michele Renee Salzman. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1993), pp. 362-378
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"Marriage More Shameful Than Adultery": Slave-Mistress Relationships, "Mixed Marriages", and Late Roman Law. Judith Evans-Grubbs. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1993), pp. 125-154
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The Thermopylae Garrison of "Vita Claudii" 16. William J. Cherf. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1993), pp. 230-236
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Roman Inscriptions 1986-90. Richard Gordon, Mary Beard, Joyce Reynolds, Charlotte Roueché. Journal of Roman Studies. (1993), pp. 131-158
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I Romani ed il territorio degli agri decumati nella tarda antichità: Osservazioni sull'imperatore Giuliano e sulla Tabula Peutingeriana. Isabella Benedetti-Martig. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1993), pp. 352-361
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The Sallii from Amiternum and the Role of "Praetextati" in Municipal Councils. M. Kleijwegt. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1993), pp. 110-117
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The Exportation of Marble from the Aliki Quarries on Thasos: Cathodoluminescence of Samples from Turkey and Italy. John J. Herrmann, Jr., Vincent Barbin. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1993), pp. 91-103
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Quaelibet Audendi: Fortunatus and the Acrostic. Margaret Graver. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1993), pp. 219-245
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Subject Reviews. P. Walcot, B. A. Sparkes, Jenny March, Don Fowler, John Salmon, Thomas Wiedemann. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1993), pp. 221-263
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A Survey of Suetonius Scholarship, 1938-1987. D. Thomas Benediktson. The Classical World. (May - Jun., 1993), pp. 377-447
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Constantinus Oriens Imperator: Propaganda and Panegyric. On Reading Panegyric 7 (307). C. E. V. Nixon. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1993), pp. 229-246
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A Knidian Phallic Vase from Corinth. Kathleen Warner Slane, M. W. Dickie. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1993), pp. 483-505
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Famous Kylikes in Illyris. Marjeta Šašel Kos. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1993), pp. 247-251
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Archisynagogoi: Office, Title and Social Status in the Greco-Jewish Synagogue. Tessa Rajak, David Noy. Journal of Roman Studies. (1993), pp. 75-93
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Dreams, Theurgy and Freelance Divination: The Testimony of Iamblichus. Polymnia Athanassiadi. Journal of Roman Studies. (1993), pp. 115-130
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