pour, mais, nous, comme, cette, avec, sont, meme, deux, fait, bien, etre, aussi, elle, entre, tout, dont, leur, sans, autre, peut, etait, donc, avait, voir, autres, apres, ainsi, encore, chez, texte, moins, sous, soit, sens, avoir, celle, vers, notre, celui, selon, tous, tres, faire, avant, contre, cite, effet, alors, faut
Recherches sur la publication et la diffusion des discours de Libanius. Paul Petit. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Nov., 1956), pp. 479-509
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La prise de Rome par les Celtes et la formation de l'annalistique Romaine. J. Wolski. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1956), pp. 24-52
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De la Médée d'Euripide aux Médées d'Anouilh et de Jeffers. Maurice Lebel. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1956), pp. 139-150
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Contribution des fouilles de France 1941-1955 a l'histoire de la Gaule. Paul-Marie Duval. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jun., 1956), pp. 238-253
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Fragment, découvert à Sinope, de l'édit de Constantin "de accusationibus". Jacques Moreau. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jun., 1956), pp. 254-256
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The Assisi Fragments of the Apologia of Apuleius. D. S. Robertson. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1956), pp. 68-80
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Problems of Copy and Adaptation in the Second Quarter of the First Millennium B. C.. Berta Segall. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1956), pp. 165-170
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The Attic Stelai: Part II. W. Kendrick Pritchett, Anne Pippin. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1956), pp. 178-328
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Religious and Ethical Attitudes in Euripides' Suppliants. D. J. Conacher. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 8-26
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Alcmena and Amphitryon in Ancient and Modern Drama. L. R. Shero. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 192-238
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Per una critica dell' ideologia di Alessandro Magno. Roberto Andreotti. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Sep., 1956), pp. 257-302
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Post-Periclean Democracy in Action: The Mytilenean Debate (Thuc. III 37-48). Felix Martin Wassermann. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 27-41
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Demonax, ΒΑΣΙΛΕϒΣ ΜΑΝΤΙΝΕΩΝ/eb>. A. A. I. Waisglass. American Journal of Philology. (1956), pp. 167-176
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Maecenas and the Poets. A. Dalzell. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1956), pp. 151-162
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Supplementary Paper: Animae Dimidium Meae: Two Poets of Rome. George E. Duckworth. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 281-316
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Konstantin der Große und der Kaiserkult. I. Karayannopulos. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Sep., 1956), pp. 341-357
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A Curiosity in Seneca. J. D. P. Bolton. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1956), pp. 238-242
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Phanias, Notes and Queries. A. S. F. Gow. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1956), pp. 231-236
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The Sculptured Frieze from Bassae (A Revised Sequence). W. B. Dinsmoor. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1956), pp. 401-452
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A Trans-Saharan Caravan Route in Herodotus. Rhys Carpenter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1956), pp. 231-242
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A Philosophic Allegory?. Franklin P. Johnson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1956), pp. 57-61
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The Arab Mosque in Athens. George C. Miles. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1956), pp. 329-344
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Notes on Lucretius. L. A. MacKay. American Journal of Philology. (1956), pp. 61-67
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Changing Objectives and Procedures in Teaching Latin, 1556-1956. George E. Ganss. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1956), pp. 15-22
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The Origins and Survival of a Latin Negative Pattern. Paul R. Murphy. American Journal of Philology. (1956), pp. 396-407
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Palatine Apollo. J. H. Bishop. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1956), pp. 187-192
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Fate and Free Will in Vergil's "Aeneid". George E. Duckworth. Classical Journal. (May, 1956), pp. 357-364
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Thucydidean Scholarship 1942-1956. Felix M. Wassermann. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 30, 1956), pp. 65-70
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Pliny the Elder and Virgil. Richard T. Bruère. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1956), pp. 228-246
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II. The Philaids and the Chersonese. N. G. L. Hammond. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1956), pp. 113-129
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Senatorial Opposition to Claudius and Nero. D. McAlindon. American Journal of Philology. (1956), pp. 113-132
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A Roman Writing Tablet from Somerset. Eric G. Turner. Journal of Roman Studies. (1956), pp. 115-118
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Recent Work in Roman Satire (1937-55). William S. Anderson. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 26, 1956), pp. 33-40
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ΟΠΩΝ (= ὦν τινων?): in a Locrian decree. Demetrius J. Georgacas. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1956), pp. 249-251
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Virgil's Plough. Robert Aitken, Virgil. Journal of Roman Studies. (1956), pp. 97-106
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The Mathematical Passage in the Epinomis. A. R. Lacey. Phronesis. (May, 1956), pp. 81-104
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The Settlement of the Barbarians in Southern Gaul. E. A. Thompson. Journal of Roman Studies. (1956), pp. 65-75
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Marcus Crassus: A Revaluation. T. J. Cadoux. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1956), pp. 153-161
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