pour, mais, nous, comme, cette, avec, sont, meme, deux, fait, bien, etre, aussi, elle, entre, tout, dont, leur, sans, autre, peut, etait, donc, avait, voir, autres, apres, ainsi, encore, chez, texte, moins, sous, soit, sens, avoir, celle, vers, notre, celui, selon, tous, tres, faire, avant, contre, cite, effet, alors, faut
Les deux chemins de Parménide dans les fragments 6 et 7. Nestor-Luis Cordero. Phronesis. (1979), pp. 1-32
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Varron et la politique de Caius Gracchus. Claude Nicolet. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1979), pp. 276-300
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La Formule Onomastique Dans le Domaine Grec Sous L'empire Romain. Georges Daux. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1979), pp. 13-30
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ΕΞΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΙΤΟϒ: Samothrace, Hippomédon et les Lagides. Philippe Gauthier. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1979), pp. 76-89
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Sur le Plébiscite ut liceret consules ambos plebeios creari ("Tite-Live VII," 42, 2). Jean-Claude Richard. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1979), pp. 65-75
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Platonisme et antiplatonisme dans le traité de Plotin Sur les nombres (VI.6 [34]). Jean Pépin. Phronesis. (1979), pp. 197-208
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Deux Inscriptions De L'epoque Imperiale En Attique. Louis Robert. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1979), pp. 153-165
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Homer Studies 1971-1977. James P. Holoka. The Classical World. (Oct., 1979), pp. 65-150
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On Cicero's Speeches. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1979), pp. 237-285
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The Fourth 'Georgic', Virgil, and Rome. Jasper Griffin. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1979), pp. 61-80
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Form, Function and Technique in the Pavements of Delos and Pompeii. Hetty Joyce. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1979), pp. 253-263
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A Public Building of Late Antiquity in Athens (IG II2 5205). Alison Frantz. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1979), pp. 194-203
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Eumolpus "Poeta", Eumolpus "Fabulator": A Study of Characterization in the "Satyricon". Roger Beck. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1979), pp. 239-253
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"Digging a Well after You Are Thirsty": A Plautine and Chinese Proverb. Robert H. Brophy. The Classical World. (Apr. - May, 1979), pp. 421-422
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The Myth of the First Temples at Delphi. Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 231-251
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The Dialectological Implications of Secondary Mid-Vowels in Greek: A Clarification. George A. Sheets. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1979), pp. 559-567
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Euripides' Cyclopean Symposium. Richard Hamilton. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1979), pp. 287-292
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Notes on the Text of the Fifth Homeric Hymn. Peter M. Smith. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1979), pp. 29-50
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Varia Semonidea. Douglas E. Gerber. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1979), pp. 19-24
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Desire and Memory (Sappho Frag. 94). Anne Burnett. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 16-27
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Greek Applications for Roman Trials. James H. Oliver. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1979), pp. 543-558
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Korkyra und der Handelsweg durch das Adriatische Meer im 5. Jh. v. Chr.. Franz K. Kiechle. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1979), pp. 173-191
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Technique and Materials of Hellenistic Mosaics. Katherine M. D. Dunbabin. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1979), pp. 265-277
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Polybius, Rome, and the East. P. S. Derow. Journal of Roman Studies. (1979), pp. 1-15
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Notes on Seneca's Quaestiones Naturales. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 448-456
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Iconium and Ninica: Two Double Communities in Roman Asia Minor. Stephen Mitchell. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1979), pp. 409-438
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The Meaning of IE *dhal-. Steven Lowenstam. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1979), pp. 125-135
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The Date of Jerome's Birth. Alan D. Booth. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1979), pp. 346-353
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The Odyssey and the Nalopākhyāna. Gerald K. Gresseth. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1979), pp. 63-85
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Linguistic Characterization of Old Men in Terence. Robert Maltby. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1979), pp. 136-147
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The Patria of Juvenal. Ronald Syme. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 1-15
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Eine missverstandene Strabonstelle (zum Judenbericht XVI 2,37). Jörg-Dieter Gauger. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1979), pp. 211-224
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Sulpicia Reconsidered. Matthew S. Santirocco. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1979), pp. 229-239
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Phoenicians, Carthage and the Spartan Eunomia. Robert Drews. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1979), pp. 45-58
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Livy and the Story of Horatius, 1.24-26. Joseph B. Solodow. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1979), pp. 251-268
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The "Address to the Delian Maidens" in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo: Epilogue or Transition?. Andrew M. Miller. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1979), pp. 173-186
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Annals 14.26 and the Armenian Settlement of A. D. 60. A. A. Barrett. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 465-469
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Flavius Josephus and the Praefect of Egypt in 73 A.D.. P. J. Sijpesteijn. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1979), pp. 117-125
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Portrait-Bearing Codicils in the Illustrations of the Notitia Dignitatum?. Robert Grigg. Journal of Roman Studies. (1979), pp. 107-124
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Ionians in the Ionian War. H. D. Westlake. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 9-44
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The Bee Maidens of the Homeric Hymn to Hermes. Susan Scheinberg. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1979), pp. 1-28
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A Troublesome Antithesis: Lysias 12.88. Staffan Fogelmark. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1979), pp. 109-141
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An Archaic Recording System in the Uruk-Jemdet Nasr Period. Denise Schmandt-Besserat. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 19-48
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Herodotus 1.47.1. and the Hymn to Hermes: A Solution to the Test Oracle. Marcia Dobson. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1979), pp. 349-359
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Eris in Euripides. John R. Wilson. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1979), pp. 7-20
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Cicero, Ad Familiares XIII, 26 and 28: Evidence for Revocatio or Reiectio Romae/Romam?. Hannah M. Cotton. Journal of Roman Studies. (1979), pp. 39-50
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Die Usurpation des Eugenius. Joachim Szidat. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1979), pp. 487-508
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Further Notes on Minoan Palace Architecture: 2. Access to, and Use of, Minoan Palace Roofs. J. Walter Graham. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 64-69
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Ummidius Quadratus, Capax Imperii. Ronald Syme. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1979), pp. 287-310
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Aristotle on Cretan πολυτεϰνία. S. Spyridakis. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1979), pp. 380-384
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Confirmation of Two "Conjectures" in the Presocratics: Parmenides B 12 and Anaxagoras B 15. David Sider. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1979), pp. 67-69
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The Assonance of Athena and the Sound of the Salpinx: "Eumenides" 566-571. Rory B. Egan. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1979), pp. 203-212
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Iustitia and Ius Privatum: Ambrose on Private Property. Louis J. Swift. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1979), pp. 176-187
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Rome and India: Aspects of Universal History during the Principate. Walter Schmitthenner. Journal of Roman Studies. (1979), pp. 90-106
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Roman Rites for the Dead and "Aeneid 6". Paul F. Burke, Jr.. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1979), pp. 220-228
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Neoptolemus at Delphi: Pindar, "Nem." 7.30 ff.. Leonard Woodbury. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1979), pp. 95-133
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The So-Called Palaiokastro Treasure. Stella G. Miller. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1979), pp. 175-191
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Some Imperatorial Salutations. Ronald Syme. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1979), pp. 308-329
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Ammianus Marcellinus 26.4.5-6. R. S. O. Tomlin. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 470-478
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Problems about Janus. Ronald Syme. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1979), pp. 188-212
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The Naming of Athenian Girls: A Case in Point. Blaise Nagy. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1979), pp. 360-364
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Sidonius on the Reign of Avitus: A Study in Political Prudence. Ralph W. Mathisen. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1979), pp. 165-171
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More on Aristotelian Epagoge. T. Engberg-Pedersen. Phronesis. (1979), pp. 301-319
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Sundials, Parasites, and Girls from Boeotia. A. S. Gratwick. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 308-323
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*Mi-t-'Journey': Unfinished Business. Eric P. Hamp. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1979), pp. 396-397
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A Chronology of the Governors of Galatia: A.D. 112-285. Robert K. Sherk. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1979), pp. 166-175
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Further Notes on Minoan Palace Architecture: 1. West Magazines and Upper Halls at Knossos and Mallia. J. Walter Graham. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 49-63
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L. Cornelius Sisenna and the Early First Century B. C.. Elizabeth Rawson. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 327-346
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Longus and the Topography of Lesbos. Hugh J. Mason. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1979), pp. 149-163
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Thucydides and the Plague of Athens. A. J. Holladay, J. C. F. Poole. Classical Quarterly. (1979), pp. 282-300
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Legibus Praefecti Mittebantur (Mommsen and Festus 262. 5, 13 L). Jerzy Linderski. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1979), pp. 247-250
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The Chronology of the Early Books of Lucilius. Wendy J. Raschke. Journal of Roman Studies. (1979), pp. 78-89
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