aristides, philostratus, apollonius, keil, chair, eurip, damis, sophokl, aelius_aristides, savile, behr, aeschyl, sacred, chrysostom, tales, armenian, moeragenes, sophist, western, heroicus, catena, uncontr, apollonii, leptinean, asclepius, bowie, declamations, ephrem, vita, declamation, strom, dindorf, acts, philumene, smyrna, contr, herodes, hippodromus, gloss, jones, apographe, bezan, philostratus_the_elder, schmid, libanius, tyana, weinreich, chairs, heraclides, kaiserrede
Emendations in Athenaevs [Emendations in Athenaeus]. T. G. Tucker. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1908), pp. 184-209
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Virgil's Fourth Eclogue.-An Over-Looked Source. Robert T. Kerlin. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 449-460
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ϒΠΟΚΡΙΤΗΣ and ΤΡΑΓΩΙΔΟΣ in Schol. Dem. De Pace 6. Edward Capps. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 206-211
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The Propitiation of Zeus. Joseph William Hewitt. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1908), pp. 61-120
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Agrippa's Response to Paul (Acts 26. 28). J. E. Harry. Classical Review. (Dec., 1908), pp. 238-241
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Contributions to the Study of Final -ς in Greek Adverbs. J. Fraser. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1908), pp. 265-270
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